Sunday, November 13, 2011

Goodbye Dolly!

Wow it has been so long since I have put anything on here.  My life really has been uneventful. And believe me that is a good thing.  But the reason I am writing today is to say goodbye.  Tomorrow I get to have Dolly Porton removed!!  This is a huge deal. This means that I am moving right along with my survival. Dr. Draper said I have less than a 5% chance of the cancer returning. Dolly has been a huge player in my road to recovery but I can easily say I will not miss her one bit.  My procedure is at 6:40 PM tomorrow. For several different reasons I am just having it done is the surgeons office without being put to sleep. He will be just numbing the area and pulling it right out and stitching me back up.  Words can't express how excited I am.  Now all I need is for my silly hair to keep growing and faster would be nice  :)  I would like to say thank you again for all of the love and support.  Made my journey a hell of a lot easier.  Cheers to life!

Love and Hugs,