Yesterday is the day that I had my port a cath put in (Dolly as we all know her.) My mom picked me up at my house around 6 AM. When we arrived at the hospital we did the normal registration process. After only sitting in the waiting room maybe 5 mins I was called to come on back. Had to to take a pregnancy test just to be sure. Then she stuck in my IV. And did all the other "normal" routine things that they do. (I think I could do all of this in my sleep). They gave me one of my most favoritist things ever! A WARM BLANKET! :)
The were explaining how the port works - So here is my stab at what they said. It is implanted completely under your skin. and there is a line that gets connected into one of your heart values. When they give you the Chemo meds they just hook up the Huber needle by injecting your skin above your port.
The model they showed me was a little larger height wise and said that there is a newer model that is much smaller if I would like to have that one because I am so small. I said of course.
So the docs came and said it was a go and I walked on my way to the surgery room. Everyone got me all prepped me up, then gave me the night night drugs and I was good to go. I was a little in and a little out the whole time. But didn't feel any pain during the procedure like on my stupid bone marrow biopsy.
I had to stay and recover after for about an hour. Munched on crackers and had some soda. Pain didn't really start to pick up until I was getting ready to leave. So nurse was able to get me a vicodin.
Here comes the funny part!!!
So the vicodin makes me feel all loopy but I am "starving". I ask my mom if we can go to Bob Evans. So we do and the whole time we are waiting for our food I can't keep my eyes open and I feel all nauseaus. Food finally arrives I take two bites and say ew I can't I just can't! But I did eat most of my banana bread. My mom asked for the check and we high tailed it out of there.
Next thing I remember was being at home hitting my pillow and going to sleep for a couple of hours. I did feel better at this point at least! LOL. Kalli came home and I played with her as much as I could. Kurt helped with all the rest. Thanks Honey!
What a fun day huh???
This is Dolly!
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