Saturday, February 5, 2011

Days following my first Chemo Treatment

This part of the blog is sort of a journal for myself.  To see how I feel and what I expericence on the days following my Chemo Treatments.  I will add each day following the first treatment under this post.  So if you are interested in how in how I feel and what I am experiencing each day please check back to this post. 

DAY 1 - (Feb 5, 2011)

Had a hard time sleeping last night. The nurse said that this may happen due to the steroids that are in my "cocktail".
I woke up at 7 AM and was wide awake.  I didn't really feel nauseous but had a strange feeling in my stomach.  I popped my anti nausea pill that I am to take and that was that.  (But that feeling never went away)
Next thing I noticed is that EVERYTHING tastes different.  Not sure how to explain it.  It is not a good different I can tell you that.  Sorta metallic tasting. Not enjoyable that is for sure.  I hope that goes away soon.
I wasn't more tired than usual today.  I tried to get some things done around the house that I may not be able to get to for days.  I am anticipating that by tomorrow or the next day I will be pretty tired and not wanting to do much of anything at all. 
Took my normal 2 hr nap when Kalli took hers today.  I am so glad at this point that she still takes naps.  I really need them.  My poor body gets tired so easy. 
Despite the fact that everything tasted gross I ate pretty okay today. Could have been better.  Need to work on that still. 
No hair falling out yet by the way!! LOL
Well that is it for day one.

DAY 2 -  (Feb 6, 2011)

Last night I didn't sleep well AT ALL.  I haven't done much of anything today.  Lots of sleep.  My nausea is a little more present today.  Things are still tasting odd.  Not as much as yesterday so it is either getting better or I am getting used to it.  LOL.  Still could be eating better but my wonderful mother is working on a meal plan for me.  Just have to make myself eat the food.
Well no more for day two.

DAY 3 - (Feb 7, 2011)

Actually today wasn't so bad.  I didn't sleep well again.  But after a nap I didn't feel real bad.  Just weak. Can't do a lot of anything. My body tires way too quickly.  Like after a shower, cooking dinner or even playing with Kalli. My appetite was better today and no nausea. Even things started to taste back to normal. Only thing now is that I am always thirsty and NOTHING quiches my thirst. Guess there has always got to be something.
No more for day 3...

DAY 4 - (Feb 8, 2011)

I slept better last night than I had in the last several days.  I kept Kalli home with me today (instead of taking her to the sitters) But I did have a bit of trouble staying awake in the early morning while Kalli was playing.  Overall I was feeling pretty good though.  I was eating well and all.  I took a nap when Kalli did.  I was thinking to myself wow this first round of Chemo went pretty smooth.  Then BAM! At about 4:30 PM I starting developing a migraine. I was feeling quesy and and just not right. Kurt wasn't home yet from work and dinner time was approaching.  Soon my whole left hand went kinda tingly numb then my tongue.  I called my doctor and he said that it is a normal reaction to one of the meds in my Chemo "cocktail" Vinblastine.  He said I shouldn't be concerned unless I had slurred speech or extreme weakness. I asked how I could be reacting now after getting treatment Friday.  He said today is the 5th day and it is the peak.  So I guess I was way wrong about thinking I was out of the woods.  The tinglying luckily didn't last long but I just haven't felt "right" the rest of the night.  Since Kurt was working I had to cook dinner, give Kalli a bath, and play with her before bed. Talk about a challenge when you just don't feel good.  But those are the things that us parents have to endure sick or not.  Here's hoping for a better tomorrow! :)

DAY 5 - (Feb 9, 2011)

Got my best sleep yet last night!! Took Kalli to the sitters today.  When I got home it was about quarter to 9 AM.  I had to FORCE myself to eat breakfast. I was too tired to make anything and nothing sounded good. So after eating I went to sleep, and I slept and slept and slept.  Around 1:30 PM I got a call from my grandma checking to see how I was doing. Now it was time to force myself to eat lunch.  After lunch again I slept and slept. Sitter texted me at 3:30 that Kalli was done with her nap and I could come get her at anytime. At this point I hadn't even taken a shower. It took me until 4:30 to get myself off the couch in the shower and off to pick up Kalli.  When I got Kalli home my enegry level picked up which was good timing and I was able to play and cook dinner no problem.  But now I am back to being exhausted!! Who knows what tomorrow will bring....

DAY 6 - (Feb 10, 2011)

I have to say that today was the best day yet! I slept well again, which is a plus! I woke up thinking I was going to be super tired again. But after getting Kalli up and moving around I actually felt pretty good.  I really wanted to get out of the house. Besides taking Kalli to the sitters I hadn't gotten out of the house since last Friday. So I got all cleaned up and we went to the Dollar Store and to Krogers. Yeah I know not so exciting but I loved just getting out and moving.  After being out for a couple of hours, we came home had lunch and crashed!! I napped super hard. Which I knew I would.  But after we woke up I was back to having some more energy. It was great.  I was able to do some things around the house. I almost felt dare I say "normal". Hard part in all of this is not knowing how I am going to feel from day to day or even sometimes hour by hour. But in the end the result will be awesome! Visit with Dr. Draper tomorrow to see how things are going.  Will keep you all posted....


So you know how I just mentioned above that I am not sure how I am going to feel hour by hour well....
As Iwas writing that above I decided to enjoy a glass of wine.  BAD IDEA!! I began getting the start of a migraine. And Now I feel awful!! Guess I can mark wine off the list.  I have to say it is so hard to just not know what is going to happen with anything I do or eat or drink. All of this is definitely  going to be a struggle.

DAY 7 (Feb 11, 2011)

Today was the visit with Dr. Draper.  Nothing exciting. He just said things are going a long as they should.  My appt was at 10:45 and when I got home I crashed until 3.  But after my nap I have felt pretty good all day.  Pretty much a non-eventful day.  Which is the good kind right??  Well This is where I stop recording the days after my first treatement.  I will only log if something exciting goes on.  So you all will most likely not hear from me until next Friday the 18th.


  1. Aloe vera juice nixed mom's nausea and helped tremendously with the hair loss. In 2 years of chemo she never lost all her hair. It's unbelievably restorative to your system somehow, I'm not the expert I only know what she told me! :) Put that on your [probably huge] list of things to think about. :) On the other hand, she did lose probably 60% of her [naturally super thick] hair, and earned the coveted chemo curls that grew back. One of my friends had cancer, she lost all of her straight brown hair and it grew back in the most gorgeous flaxen shade of blonde and big bouncy curls. Something possibly to look forward to. :)

    Kalli is not going to remember this time so when the time comes that you are not as active with her as you'd like to be, let it go. You're with her and that's all that counts. I prayed for you today that you would have the strength to function when you needed to the most.

    All of us have cancer cells in our bodies. It's just that usually our bodies are equipped to fight them and we never even know they were there, learned that on Dr Oz the other day. Your body is literally made to fight this.

    Chlorophyll from the health food store has really helped mom with her red blood cell count. That's going to be important. And my kids didn't even notice I snuck it into their smoothies, it's sort of tasteless. Only one time did mom have to miss a chemo treatment due to blood count (white or red don't remember which) then she made it her mission to figure out how to help her blood. You too can do this.

    Michelle Carver

  2. Michelle,

    I just love when you write me. You are full of tons of good information. I am really going to research the Aloe Vera and Chlorophyll.
    I keep telling all my family and friends that my hair is going to grow in gray!! LOL. I am just kidding. I did always want thick curly hair!
    I really do thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is nice to hear about another persons experience.
    Take care Michelle!


  3. Hi Megan, put dates by the days please?? thanks!

  4. Chemotherapy's effects on the body are somewhat cumulative so this is the best chemo week you might have without conscious effort. My mom figured out a plan that worked to keep her "extreme tired" day down to the first one after treatment and here's what she did:

    She exercised regularly really pushing herself on the good days. She found something she really enjoyed doing (walking around flea markets and the mall and biking 10-20 miles at a time) So her stamina was twice what it would have been on her worst days. Every opportunity she had to go walking, she did.

    And this is the single most important thing she swears by, her early morning juice blend. Even on road trips she brought a Magic Bullet blender and made her drinks in the morning. Dr. Oz swears by them, and I will admit, they are really spectacular for energy. Mine doesn't at all look like my moms, I follow Dr. Oz's green drink recipe with additions that are kid pleasing.

    I asked her about 5 months ago what her daily regimen was and here was her response:

    "I get all supplements from the The Vitamin Shoppe on line. It is the best buy on Vitamins. Free Shipping and very fast delivery. Most three days.

    Spiru-tein High Protein Energy Meal- it comes in many flavors. I use unsweetened or vanilla and I get the 2.4lbs

    Then I add:
    Barlean's Greens power
    Barlean's Flax Oil Lignans
    Orange juice (I cannot use milk)
    any other fruit of my choice. Blueberries, strawberries, peaches, ect.
    Put in a blender and drink for breakfast.

    If I feel tired at night, I will do this again a night.

    Vitamins: Morning

    Nature's Life Cal/mag/zinc Complex 1/2 dose
    Bazi with jujube berries. It is an on line products from Xelr8 This is an online product.
    Aloe Vera 80 Stomach Formula by Lily of the Desert

    Vitamins: Afternoon

    Biotin 5mg
    Nature's Life Cal/mag/zinc Complex 1/2 dose
    Wheat Grass tablet
    Primrose Oil

    So that's what she does though she's added Chlorophyll now.

    The blended drink is what gives her energy. If she misses even one morning she feels it by afternoon. And it's just food and natural products.

    I modelled mine after Dr. Oz.

    Juice of 1 lime
    Juice of 1/2 lemon
    2 scoops of protein powder from the health food store
    1/2 banana
    1 cucumber (chopped for my blender, rough, don't peel)
    4 stalks of celery
    1 kiwi (again, don't peel, just cut off the ends)
    3 small apples
    1/2 cup peaches
    2 cups baby spinach
    1/2 bunch flat leaf italian parsley
    3 T. Chlorophyll
    1/2 - 1t. minced fresh ginger

    Blend blend blend. The important thing is to make it palatable or you won't be able to stick to it. This makes enough to have 1 large tumbler in the morning and 1 for later in the afternoon. Even when my mom cannot stand the thought of eating, she drinks this and it sort of puts the zing back in her step (or just helps her get out of bed.) She literally never misses even one day if she can help it.

    Wishing you a weekend filled with energy and productivity!

    Michelle Carver

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you! I am truly inspired by your positive attitude. It is your attitude and determination that will get you through this very difficult time. If you need anything, let me know. We love you guys!
