Friday, April 1, 2011

Fifth Chemo Treatment

Today was my 5th treatment. My mom came with me again. I decided that I enjoy having company. I had an appointment with Dr. Draper first.  He was pretty much just seeing how things were going.  I discussed with him the joint and muscle pain I had been experiencing after the last two treatments. He told me that is was most likely due to the bone marrow breaking down. Said it will probably also hurt when the marrow starts to build back up again. (yay....). Told me to take 800 mg of Ibuporfen and take very warm baths. Said if that didn't help he would presrcibe me a stronger pain med.  He said that most likely I am in remission at this point but he said the reason he schedules for 6 cycles is to keep me in remission and to be sure that we rid of ALL the cancer. That was pretty much all we discussed.

I then went for my treatment.  They told me that my white counts went up a little which is good news.  I didn't gain anymore weight but I didn't lose anymore either.  I am pretty much at the weight that I like to be at anyway.  During my treatment Dr. Draper's nurse Lisa came storming into the infusion room and said "Megan you need to eat! Your blood sugar is 68"! (Normal is mid 80's to 100's) She then went over to where the snacks are and got me a Nurtigrain Bar.  I told her that I can't help my sugar levels.  That was pretty it with her haha.  Treatment seemed to go pretty fast again.  I guess I am just getting used to it all.  I got pretty tired again. But didn't fall asleep.  Just couldn't keep my eyes open. And I have been tired ever since. My lovely mother took Kalli for the night. Which is super helpful. I wouldn't  have been able to run around after Kalli today.  I have pretty much just laid around since I got home.  My knees are both achy and my arms a little achy too.  Of course I don't have the Ibuprofen yet.  Guess I will have to get me some tomorrow. 

Most of you know this by now but I have shaved my head.  I did it this past Tuesday.  I was getting tired of playing what I call "The hair game".  Was sick of wondering when my hair was totally going to fall out.  I decided to take control and shave it.  I must say that I feel great.  I feel like a strong women.  Us women put so much thought and time in our hair and it isn't an easy thing to just shave it all off.  Plus we worry about what people think.  I posted my pic on Facebook and I got so many wonderful comments and best of all my wonderful husband told me how beautiful I looked. That was very special to me! Love you honey!

I have added some pictures my mom took on my second treatment.  They are of me getting treatment, me getting sleepy LOL and pictures of the room. Oh and for anyone not on Facebook I added a pic of my shaved head too.  Enjoy!

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