Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sixth Chemo

Sorry didn't write this yesterday I was very tired....

 I am now half way through treatment!! Very exciting!

My husband Kurt went with me to chemo yesterday.  It was nice for him to see how things go for me at chemo.  My white count was good so there was no problem receiving my treatment.  I gained another pound and a half.  That is about at total of 13lbs since I have started my treatments.  Funny thing is I have stopped trying to gain wait. But still happy with the result.  I got pretty tired pretty fast yesterday.  As soon as we got home I instantly wanted to take a nap.  Kurt got Kalli from the sittters and took her to the grocery store with him so I had time to sleep. Thanks hun!  Even after my hour and a half nap I was still exhausted.  I felt like I just couldn't move. So just laid on the couch and watched Kalli play.  My knees and forearms were tingly and  achy again. That didn't start until about 10 PM or so.  Such a strange sensation. My knees feel heavy and achy and hard to move.  My arms just tingle. I am guessing this may happen with each treatment going forward but who knows! Well check back all week I will update how I am feeling each day.  

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