Wow it has been so long since I have put anything on here. My life really has been uneventful. And believe me that is a good thing. But the reason I am writing today is to say goodbye. Tomorrow I get to have Dolly Porton removed!! This is a huge deal. This means that I am moving right along with my survival. Dr. Draper said I have less than a 5% chance of the cancer returning. Dolly has been a huge player in my road to recovery but I can easily say I will not miss her one bit. My procedure is at 6:40 PM tomorrow. For several different reasons I am just having it done is the surgeons office without being put to sleep. He will be just numbing the area and pulling it right out and stitching me back up. Words can't express how excited I am. Now all I need is for my silly hair to keep growing and faster would be nice :) I would like to say thank you again for all of the love and support. Made my journey a hell of a lot easier. Cheers to life!
Love and Hugs,
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My final chemo!!
I first want to say sorry for not keeping everyone updated lately. Was having some what I guess you can call depression. Lots of stress to deal with. My last chemo was on Thursday July 14. Everything went as usual. Except I was extremely groggy the rest of the day. It's never been that bad before. Yesterday (July 15) I went and got my Nuepogen shot I hope that helps battle some of my fatigue like it has in the past. Because I start work on Monday the 18. I have to say I am pretty nervous to go back on so many different levels. I haven't worked in 6 months so I will have to re learn alot and I hope everyone is understanding to that and I don't just mean management. I am also going to be extremely tired. I get tired easily after just caring for Kalli for a few minutes. I know I can push through all of this it is just weighing on my mind. Then there is just silly stuff like not having much hair and all that. But up on the upside my life is on it's way back to normal and that is super exciting to me! It's been well over a year since I have felt any type of normal.
I want say thank you to everyone who took the time out to read these blogs and listen to my stories. I really appreciate all the support that I have received. It really makes me feel great knowing I have so many people that love me.
Lots of hugs - MEGAN
I want say thank you to everyone who took the time out to read these blogs and listen to my stories. I really appreciate all the support that I have received. It really makes me feel great knowing I have so many people that love me.
Lots of hugs - MEGAN
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My hospital stay...
So on the morning of June 7th I woke up with a fever of 99.5 and slight headache. I took some Ibuprofen and slept for several hours. But later that evening I felt fine. The next morning I woke feeling even worse and I took my temp and not too my surprise is was 101.0. Now for cancer patients anything over 100.4 the doctors get concerned. So I called Dr. Draper and he wanted to me to get to the hospital and get a blood and urine culture to check for infection as well as a complete blood count. I quickly got dressed, ran Kalli to the sitters and drove myself to the hospital. After getting my blood drawn and all that I came back home and slept for several hours again. I was woken up by a phone call from Dr. Draper telling me that I needed to head to the hospital. That I had something called neutripenic fever. Which is basically when your white counts are so low that you most likely have an infection and your body will have trouble fighting it off on it's own. He said I needed to go get fluids, antibiotics and a Neupogen shot for a couple of days. So basically called my mom to see if she could take me as Kurt was hard to reach at work. I was pretty sad that I wouldn't be able to see Kalli for a few days and I didn't get to say goodbye. But I knew I needed to get healthy.
Once I arrived at the hospital there was a lot of waiting around before I was really seen by anyone. Once things got settled though they hooked me up to my port and started me on the antibiotics and fluids. They took my temp and at the time it was normal. Luckily I got there in time to get a meal LOL. My mom stayed with me for a few hours while I got settled in and then she left for the night. I was able to talk on the phone with Kalli which made me happy even though she had no idea what was going on. I was pretty wound up that night because I couldn't sleep. I read for awhile and then my friend Amy that works there stopped by after her shift. I think she left sometime after 1AM. I finished my book then finally fell asleep after 2 AM. I woke up around 4 AM freezing with the chills. The nurse came in and I told her I had the chills and would like another blanket. Of course she just said yeah the room is cold and didn't take my temp. But about an hour later the PCA came in and my temp was 101.5 I believe and I said I knew I had a temp! But I didn't get any relief from my fever until the morning nurse came in and I asked for some tylenol.
So day number two at the hospital started out with a chest xray. They were concerned with the fever and wanted to see if I had any infection in my lungs. After that I slept for several hours and didn't really eat lunch I wasn't very hungry. Kurt came and saw me that day after he got off work. It was nice to see him. After he left I fell asleep about 9PM. I woke up at 3 AM sweating like crazy and I had a fever of 102.3 along with a headache again. They gave me something much sooner this time to relieve my fever. And I was able to sleep for a few more hours.
Day three... My mom came to visit I think she got there around 11ish. I found out that I needed to get an Echo on my heart and a CAT Scan to better check my lungs. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that since my counts were so low anytime I left my room I had to where a mask. (not my favorite thing to do). So we spent a couple hours getting those things done and headed back to my room. Oh I also should mention that after the first night I found my breathing to be more difficult and kind of painful when I would try to breath too hard.So they were checking why that was as well. After talking to a pulmonary doctor he determined that my labored breathing was due to the fluids they were giving me getting into my lungs and that I should be taken off the fluids and given a medicine that would basically help my "relieve" the built up water in my body. He said that I would get a dose then and then one in the morning and that they would do another xray a couple hours after that does to see how my chest look. Well I didn't get to go home that day like I had hoped. But Kurt did bring up Kalli to visit so that really made my day! My mom took Kalli for the night and everyone left. I again got another fever of 101.3 I think that night.
Day four.... They stopped giving me my Nuepogen shots today. Said that my white counts looked great and that they were also probably causing the constant headaches I was getting. But anyways I got yet another xray and had to wait to see Dr. Draper and the pulmonary dr. I didn't feel good again and slept for several hours. I had been doing this everyday. So I met with Dr. Draper first and he said that I wasn't going home. Since I wasn't feeling well and still getting fevers. I got really depressed and I was totally bummed. Kurt had taken Kalli to Stricker's Grove so my mom came up to cheer me up and keep me company. Later I spoke with the pulmonary dr and he said that there was still a little something on my xray. So he was going to continue with the meds that night and the next morning and do another xray.
Day five... I did yet another xray and after many hours of anxiously waiting I found out the xray was clear and I was able to go home. That was the best news I had heard in a few weeks. Kurt and Kalli came and picked me up and I was home by 6 PM!
Once I arrived at the hospital there was a lot of waiting around before I was really seen by anyone. Once things got settled though they hooked me up to my port and started me on the antibiotics and fluids. They took my temp and at the time it was normal. Luckily I got there in time to get a meal LOL. My mom stayed with me for a few hours while I got settled in and then she left for the night. I was able to talk on the phone with Kalli which made me happy even though she had no idea what was going on. I was pretty wound up that night because I couldn't sleep. I read for awhile and then my friend Amy that works there stopped by after her shift. I think she left sometime after 1AM. I finished my book then finally fell asleep after 2 AM. I woke up around 4 AM freezing with the chills. The nurse came in and I told her I had the chills and would like another blanket. Of course she just said yeah the room is cold and didn't take my temp. But about an hour later the PCA came in and my temp was 101.5 I believe and I said I knew I had a temp! But I didn't get any relief from my fever until the morning nurse came in and I asked for some tylenol.
So day number two at the hospital started out with a chest xray. They were concerned with the fever and wanted to see if I had any infection in my lungs. After that I slept for several hours and didn't really eat lunch I wasn't very hungry. Kurt came and saw me that day after he got off work. It was nice to see him. After he left I fell asleep about 9PM. I woke up at 3 AM sweating like crazy and I had a fever of 102.3 along with a headache again. They gave me something much sooner this time to relieve my fever. And I was able to sleep for a few more hours.
Day three... My mom came to visit I think she got there around 11ish. I found out that I needed to get an Echo on my heart and a CAT Scan to better check my lungs. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that since my counts were so low anytime I left my room I had to where a mask. (not my favorite thing to do). So we spent a couple hours getting those things done and headed back to my room. Oh I also should mention that after the first night I found my breathing to be more difficult and kind of painful when I would try to breath too hard.So they were checking why that was as well. After talking to a pulmonary doctor he determined that my labored breathing was due to the fluids they were giving me getting into my lungs and that I should be taken off the fluids and given a medicine that would basically help my "relieve" the built up water in my body. He said that I would get a dose then and then one in the morning and that they would do another xray a couple hours after that does to see how my chest look. Well I didn't get to go home that day like I had hoped. But Kurt did bring up Kalli to visit so that really made my day! My mom took Kalli for the night and everyone left. I again got another fever of 101.3 I think that night.
Day four.... They stopped giving me my Nuepogen shots today. Said that my white counts looked great and that they were also probably causing the constant headaches I was getting. But anyways I got yet another xray and had to wait to see Dr. Draper and the pulmonary dr. I didn't feel good again and slept for several hours. I had been doing this everyday. So I met with Dr. Draper first and he said that I wasn't going home. Since I wasn't feeling well and still getting fevers. I got really depressed and I was totally bummed. Kurt had taken Kalli to Stricker's Grove so my mom came up to cheer me up and keep me company. Later I spoke with the pulmonary dr and he said that there was still a little something on my xray. So he was going to continue with the meds that night and the next morning and do another xray.
Day five... I did yet another xray and after many hours of anxiously waiting I found out the xray was clear and I was able to go home. That was the best news I had heard in a few weeks. Kurt and Kalli came and picked me up and I was home by 6 PM!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Days following Tenth Chemo
DAY 1 (June 15, 2011) -
Woke up feeling tired today but not horrible just run down. I went and got my shot and hung out the rest of the day. My taste is of course off as usual. No new news there. Sorry these posts just get more and more boring. But is is just the same ole thing every time. I think you all know what happens to me each week now as well as I do. LOL
Woke up feeling tired today but not horrible just run down. I went and got my shot and hung out the rest of the day. My taste is of course off as usual. No new news there. Sorry these posts just get more and more boring. But is is just the same ole thing every time. I think you all know what happens to me each week now as well as I do. LOL
Chemo Number Ten
After my 5 day stay at the hospital I was able to get my Chemo today. Today is Tuesday and I am used to getting my treatments on Fridays so that did through me a little but oh well I guess. My counts were above normal due to the Neupogen shots I had while I was at the hospital. For anyone that doesn't know Neupogen boosts your white blood cells. Since this was all a last minute deal I had to go to the appointment by myself. I would have been horrible company today anyways because I slept the entire time. My body is still trying to adjust after being in the hospital I believe. I made it home at 11 today and I slept until close to 5PM. I was super knocked out. My appetite hasn't be great since coming home and today was no exception. Luckily though I haven't really lost any weight and I am going to try to keep it that way. I have a touch of the discomfort in my knees and arms again. But it doesn't seem to be as bad as normal. So I am not complaining. Well that is all I got for today. I do plan on writing up a separate entry about my hospital stay here soon. Take care. Lots of love!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Days following Ninth treatment
DAY 1 (May 28, 2011)
Slept quite well last night. Woke up and felt a little worn out and tired. But later on was able to got pick up Kalli and go eat dinner. I am super exhausted now. Taste was of course off. Well sorry this is so short but that is all I really have.
DAY 2 (May 29, 2011)
Woke up today feeling pretty well. Went to Kurt's aunts for a pool party. Did well for a while then the sun and heat just really got to me and I had to go inside and rest. Soon after that we left. I fell asleep about an hour after we got home and slept pretty much the entire night with no issue.
DAY 3 (May 30, 2011)
Woke up worn out this morning. Kalli and Kurt went to hang out with a bunch of people at Delhi Park to play in the water and I slept pretty much the whole time. When they got home Kalli and I lounged in her pool for a bit and then we all went and got ice cream. I am now ready for bed. Taste is still pretty bad and I just can't quench my thirst!! So annoying!!
DAY 4 (May 31, 2011)
Woke up very tired again. Kurt started his new job today so I took Kalli to sitters and slept basically all day. Taste started to return today so i was super excited for that!! Nothing really exciting went on today.
DAY 5 (June 1, 2011)
Woke up feeling okay today. But after getting home from dropping Kalli off at sitters I pretty much slept the entire day again. My whole body ached. It hasn't let up all day. It was very hard to be motivated to do anything. But I did manage to load the dishwasher and give Kalli a bath. Other than that nothing else to report.
Slept quite well last night. Woke up and felt a little worn out and tired. But later on was able to got pick up Kalli and go eat dinner. I am super exhausted now. Taste was of course off. Well sorry this is so short but that is all I really have.
DAY 2 (May 29, 2011)
Woke up today feeling pretty well. Went to Kurt's aunts for a pool party. Did well for a while then the sun and heat just really got to me and I had to go inside and rest. Soon after that we left. I fell asleep about an hour after we got home and slept pretty much the entire night with no issue.
DAY 3 (May 30, 2011)
Woke up worn out this morning. Kalli and Kurt went to hang out with a bunch of people at Delhi Park to play in the water and I slept pretty much the whole time. When they got home Kalli and I lounged in her pool for a bit and then we all went and got ice cream. I am now ready for bed. Taste is still pretty bad and I just can't quench my thirst!! So annoying!!
DAY 4 (May 31, 2011)
Woke up very tired again. Kurt started his new job today so I took Kalli to sitters and slept basically all day. Taste started to return today so i was super excited for that!! Nothing really exciting went on today.
DAY 5 (June 1, 2011)
Woke up feeling okay today. But after getting home from dropping Kalli off at sitters I pretty much slept the entire day again. My whole body ached. It hasn't let up all day. It was very hard to be motivated to do anything. But I did manage to load the dishwasher and give Kalli a bath. Other than that nothing else to report.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Chemo Number Nine
To start this entry off I have to share that I AM CANCER FREE!! It feels great to know that. It will really help me charge through these last few chemo treatments.
I met with Dr. Draper today. Pretty much all we talked about was how my cancer is gone.
I then went on to my treatment. I didn't gain any weight since my last treatment. I got my favorite nurse Kim again. She is super awesome. For some reason the benedryl wasn't on my order so it was given to me a bit later than usual. It put me right out. I slept for like an hour and a half. Other than that the chemo went smooth.
I had a good talk with one of my fellow cancer patients today. I have seen her there several times but today was the first time we talked. She came and introduced herself to me. She is 29 years old and has breast cancer. She has been in treatment since September and has until this December until she is through. She has two kids, an 8 year old and a 1 year old. She just had surgery to have a huge tumor removed and now also to do radiation as well as Chemo. The reason I am telling you all about her because the entire time we were talking she didn't take the smile off her face. She is a strong woman and I admire her for that. Cancer is rough and the treatments are rough but once the cancer is gone we can go on living our lives. And for me I plan to make my life even better and fuller.
My mom took Kalli for the night again. I continued to be quite tired and I took a couple hour nap. My knees and arms are bothering me again. My appetite is normal right now but my taste is already starting to get bad.
Well that's all I got for now...
Again I want to say that I love you all that have supported and prayed for me. It truly means alot!!!
I met with Dr. Draper today. Pretty much all we talked about was how my cancer is gone.
I then went on to my treatment. I didn't gain any weight since my last treatment. I got my favorite nurse Kim again. She is super awesome. For some reason the benedryl wasn't on my order so it was given to me a bit later than usual. It put me right out. I slept for like an hour and a half. Other than that the chemo went smooth.
I had a good talk with one of my fellow cancer patients today. I have seen her there several times but today was the first time we talked. She came and introduced herself to me. She is 29 years old and has breast cancer. She has been in treatment since September and has until this December until she is through. She has two kids, an 8 year old and a 1 year old. She just had surgery to have a huge tumor removed and now also to do radiation as well as Chemo. The reason I am telling you all about her because the entire time we were talking she didn't take the smile off her face. She is a strong woman and I admire her for that. Cancer is rough and the treatments are rough but once the cancer is gone we can go on living our lives. And for me I plan to make my life even better and fuller.
My mom took Kalli for the night again. I continued to be quite tired and I took a couple hour nap. My knees and arms are bothering me again. My appetite is normal right now but my taste is already starting to get bad.
Well that's all I got for now...
Again I want to say that I love you all that have supported and prayed for me. It truly means alot!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Days following Eighth Chemo
DAY 1 (May 14, 2011) -
First I forgot to say yesterday that I had gained 3 and half pounds since last visit! That is a total of about 15lbs gained since starting treatment.
So I slept decent last night. Woke up worn out today. I just laid on the couch the whole day. My taste was way way off today and I have a horrible mouth sore so eating sucked. I mean nothing tasted right not even a little. Not even orange pop which usually tastes okay. I tried taking a nap but only got about an hour in. Well I really guess that is it for today.
DAY 2 (May 15, 2011) -
Slept well. But was tired all day. I slept a ton. My taste was still off and it was hard to eat anything. My sore is about gone which does help. Sorry this is so short but that is really all I have to say for today.
DAY 3 (May 16, 2011) -
Slept good last night. Didn't even need to read before bed I just pooped right out. I woke up super tired. We ended up taking Kalli to sitters and I slept for about a total of 4 hours for a nap. I think I could have slept more. My taste and appetite was still not right. So annoying!!
DAY 4 (May 17, 2011) -
Slept good again last night. Went right to sleep no reading needed again. Bone pain started today and was still pretty tired. Did some more laying around and napping. My taste is slowly starting to come back which is awesome. But still can't quench my thirst. I am hoping by tomorrow that will all be back to normal.
DAY 5 (May 18, 2011) -
No problem with sleep again. Woke up feeling pretty good. Almost back to "normal". Still didn't do a whole lot during the day even took a nap. But we did manage to go out for dinner. It was much needed. With the weather being crazy and me laying around the last few days I just had to get out of the house. Still had a good amount of bone pain. That is really all to report for today.
First I forgot to say yesterday that I had gained 3 and half pounds since last visit! That is a total of about 15lbs gained since starting treatment.
So I slept decent last night. Woke up worn out today. I just laid on the couch the whole day. My taste was way way off today and I have a horrible mouth sore so eating sucked. I mean nothing tasted right not even a little. Not even orange pop which usually tastes okay. I tried taking a nap but only got about an hour in. Well I really guess that is it for today.
DAY 2 (May 15, 2011) -
Slept well. But was tired all day. I slept a ton. My taste was still off and it was hard to eat anything. My sore is about gone which does help. Sorry this is so short but that is really all I have to say for today.
DAY 3 (May 16, 2011) -
Slept good last night. Didn't even need to read before bed I just pooped right out. I woke up super tired. We ended up taking Kalli to sitters and I slept for about a total of 4 hours for a nap. I think I could have slept more. My taste and appetite was still not right. So annoying!!
DAY 4 (May 17, 2011) -
Slept good again last night. Went right to sleep no reading needed again. Bone pain started today and was still pretty tired. Did some more laying around and napping. My taste is slowly starting to come back which is awesome. But still can't quench my thirst. I am hoping by tomorrow that will all be back to normal.
DAY 5 (May 18, 2011) -
No problem with sleep again. Woke up feeling pretty good. Almost back to "normal". Still didn't do a whole lot during the day even took a nap. But we did manage to go out for dinner. It was much needed. With the weather being crazy and me laying around the last few days I just had to get out of the house. Still had a good amount of bone pain. That is really all to report for today.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Eighth Chemo
Or otherwise known as the chemo that almost didn't happen. I have had a very painful toothache for the last couple of days. Well I know that you are unable to get certain procedures done at the dentist while on chemo. So I asked my nurse about the restrictions and getting something for the pain. She went and asked the Nurse Practitioner about it. The NP came back and told me that she thought that I shouldn't do treatment today that I should try to get in to the dentist today. That today would be the best day to get anything done. And once I did chemo I would have to wait again to do anything. I told her that I rather just do the chemo. She said no please call you dentist. So I did and they are apparently closed on Fridays. So she insisted on calling the on call dentist. She also told me that with my counts they way they were she didn't want to give me treatment if I had an infection. Well about 20 mins later she came to me and told me that she spoke to the head NP and she said to go ahead with treatment. And that I should just get with my dentist soon. And they prescribed an antibiotic and a pain killer (which she didn't originally want to do either) I was so relieved at this point. I was basically in tears before that. I just didn't want to postpone my treatment and if I did that then I would have to postpone my PET scan that I have scheduled and it would all just be a pain in my ass. So after all that was said and done my treatment went well. I feel asleep this time. I was fighting it but didn't win. Been a long time since I have fallen asleep at treatment. My mom took Kalli for that night and I was unable to fall asleep. And I am just now starting to get the strange feeling in my knees and tingling in my arms. And I am tired but not fall asleep tired. Just have to say I am so happy I got to do treatment today. I would have disappointed if I didn't get to do it. I would rather do treatment and live through the pain of my tooth. I just want to get well already!!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Days following Seventh Chemo
DAY 1 (April 30) -
Slept quite well last night. Woke up kinda tired and was just lazy most the afternoon. Was unable to nap so I decided to go pick up Kalli from my moms. She was going to stay another night because Kurt had to work but I missed her too much :) And was feeling decent. My taste and appetite aren't great today. But other than that no more to report.
DAY 2 (May 1) -
Had a good sleep until Kalli decided to wake up at 6 and not go back to sleep. I was again just pretty lazy all day. Didn't even get out of my PJ's. I was able to take a okay nap. I really wish it had been longer. Taste still not great. Appetite decent.
HAIR NOTE: Ever since I had my head shaved, my hair continues to grow quite fast. I am debating on just letting it grow now. I have a feeling that my hair may have not fallen out. Who knows....
DAY 3 (May2) -
Slept better last night. Felt tired today but didn't seem as bad as usual. I did still take a nap which could have been longer and I had no desire to do much of anything. But overall I felt ok. Taste still off and started getting the heartburn and bone pain today. Well I guess I don't really have more to add to that.
DAY 4 (May3) -
Slept good again last night. Was pretty tired again all day. Took a nap but I didn't get a very good nap at all. Been raining so much here that were all antsy to get out of the house. So we went out for dinner then stopped at Target to do a little bit Mother's Day shopping. By the time we got home I was so exhausted and in a ton of pain.
DAY 5 (May 4) -
Slept okay. Woke up in a ton of pain. Was worn out and in pain all day with no relief. I took a pretty good nap. Was able to make dinner and give Kalli a bath but that really pushed it for me. Was just too much to handle. So sad. Most people think of these as simple tasks. But for me right now it was extremely hard. I was in tears by the end of bath time. After Kalli went off to bed I took a hot bath as the doctor had suggested at one point for my pain. I also took some ibuprofen along with that. At this point I feel a little relief but nothing significant. My taste is coming back now which is certainly a plus.
DAY 5 (May 5) -
Had a really hard time falling asleep last night. Still had a lot of pain that just didn't let up. I felt better today when I woke up, I only had mild pain and tiredness. Went to the grocery store with Kurt and Kalli mostly to get out of the house. It was actually a nice day for once. After we got home I was extremely exhausted. The store really wore me out. I took a long and heavy nap. And still now I am very tired. My pain has increased too. I am just hoping that I am able to sleep better tonight.
Slept quite well last night. Woke up kinda tired and was just lazy most the afternoon. Was unable to nap so I decided to go pick up Kalli from my moms. She was going to stay another night because Kurt had to work but I missed her too much :) And was feeling decent. My taste and appetite aren't great today. But other than that no more to report.
DAY 2 (May 1) -
Had a good sleep until Kalli decided to wake up at 6 and not go back to sleep. I was again just pretty lazy all day. Didn't even get out of my PJ's. I was able to take a okay nap. I really wish it had been longer. Taste still not great. Appetite decent.
HAIR NOTE: Ever since I had my head shaved, my hair continues to grow quite fast. I am debating on just letting it grow now. I have a feeling that my hair may have not fallen out. Who knows....
DAY 3 (May2) -
Slept better last night. Felt tired today but didn't seem as bad as usual. I did still take a nap which could have been longer and I had no desire to do much of anything. But overall I felt ok. Taste still off and started getting the heartburn and bone pain today. Well I guess I don't really have more to add to that.
DAY 4 (May3) -
Slept good again last night. Was pretty tired again all day. Took a nap but I didn't get a very good nap at all. Been raining so much here that were all antsy to get out of the house. So we went out for dinner then stopped at Target to do a little bit Mother's Day shopping. By the time we got home I was so exhausted and in a ton of pain.
DAY 5 (May 4) -
Slept okay. Woke up in a ton of pain. Was worn out and in pain all day with no relief. I took a pretty good nap. Was able to make dinner and give Kalli a bath but that really pushed it for me. Was just too much to handle. So sad. Most people think of these as simple tasks. But for me right now it was extremely hard. I was in tears by the end of bath time. After Kalli went off to bed I took a hot bath as the doctor had suggested at one point for my pain. I also took some ibuprofen along with that. At this point I feel a little relief but nothing significant. My taste is coming back now which is certainly a plus.
DAY 5 (May 5) -
Had a really hard time falling asleep last night. Still had a lot of pain that just didn't let up. I felt better today when I woke up, I only had mild pain and tiredness. Went to the grocery store with Kurt and Kalli mostly to get out of the house. It was actually a nice day for once. After we got home I was extremely exhausted. The store really wore me out. I took a long and heavy nap. And still now I am very tired. My pain has increased too. I am just hoping that I am able to sleep better tonight.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Chemo Number Seven
First I had an appt with Dr. Draper today. He was just basically seeing how things were going. Scheduled another MUGA Scan, Pulmonary Function test, and PET scan. The first 2 are May 20 and the PET Scan is on May 21. The MUGA and PET will just make sure my lungs and heart are still fine and the PET will show if there is any cancer left in my body.
I lost a pound since the last visit. No biggie. My white counts were low again. I was still able to proceed with the treatment. Just goes to show how careful I really have to be. I mean I pretty much shouldn't be doing much of anything or going anywhere public. Which is so aggravating. Makes me feel like a prisoner. I know it is for the greater good of getting better but doesn't make easy or fun.
Other than that treatment went fine. I am super tired again. My mom took me to the treatment then she took Kalli home for the night. I slept for about 4 hours and I am still extremely tired. I wasn't even hungry for dinner but I made myself eat a sandwich. My knees are starting to bother me like they have been. Well I really think that is all for the day. Check back tomorrow for my updates.
Lots of LOVE....
I lost a pound since the last visit. No biggie. My white counts were low again. I was still able to proceed with the treatment. Just goes to show how careful I really have to be. I mean I pretty much shouldn't be doing much of anything or going anywhere public. Which is so aggravating. Makes me feel like a prisoner. I know it is for the greater good of getting better but doesn't make easy or fun.
Other than that treatment went fine. I am super tired again. My mom took me to the treatment then she took Kalli home for the night. I slept for about 4 hours and I am still extremely tired. I wasn't even hungry for dinner but I made myself eat a sandwich. My knees are starting to bother me like they have been. Well I really think that is all for the day. Check back tomorrow for my updates.
Lots of LOVE....
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Days following Sixth Chemo
DAY 1 (April 16, 2011) -
Slept pretty decent. Took ibuprofen for my knees and slept with a pillow between them. Also took a melatonin. Woke up very tired. I was tired all day. Kurt took Kalli to a party in the morning and into the afternoon so I was able to take a nap for a few hours. I felt a little better after that and then I just got tired again about an hour or so later. I spent the whole day on the couch. Again nothing tasted right. That's about for day one.
DAY 2 (April 17, 2011) -
Slept okay. Did wake up a few times which is aggravating! Didn't feel as tired when I woke up. Kurt and I took Kalli to see the Easter Bunny here in our community and then went to my Mother in Laws to celebrate my brother in laws birthday. By the time we got to her house I was exhausted. Stayed tired the entire rest of the day and night. I still can't taste anything and I had bad heart burn. Guess that's it for day two. Sorry if it always sounds like I am complaining. I really just telling you what I am going through. Thanks you all of you who support me. Lots of love!!
DAY 3 (April 18, 2011) -
Again slept okay. Woke up a few times. Muscles are very sore and very uncomfortable. Kurt didn't have to work today but he and my brother in law did some work outside on the house so Kalli went to the sitter. The work was loud so I wasn't able to nap until they left for lunch. But it really helped not having to run around after Kalli. I was tired after Kalli got home but it was more of a worn out feeling. I just sat on the couch and let her play. I feel bad about doing that but that is all I can do. And I really don't think she knows any better. We did go outside for a bit too and I just sat in a chair and watched her play. I just tell her that mommy doesn't feel good. And she seems okay with that. I am just so ready to have my life back. It is hard having this disease control my life. When I get my chemo I am tired and worn out and not myself at all for about a week. I can't really go anywhere or do much of anything. I have to avoid crowds and sick people. I can't even clean my house if I wanted to because I have no energy. And that is just a little of how I feel. I know that I will get better soon and this is just a very small chapter in my life but it doesn't make it easy.
DAY 4 (April 19, 2011) -
Slept horrible last night. I woke up several times. I had a lot of deep muscle pain even though I took Ibuprofen. I took Kalli to the sitter today and slept for about 3 hours straight. Was still tired the rest of the night. Just worn out again. My taste didn't seem as bad today and my appetite wasn't as bad either so that is good. Was in pain all day though which is annoying. Well until tomorrow....
DAY 5 (April 20, 2011) -
Slept like crap again... The storms and the pain kept me up most the night. I took Kalli to the sitters today. I was tired but couldn't sleep. So I just rested. I was in pain again all day. My taste was pretty much back which is great! I was able to do a few things today like laundry and cook dinner so that was good. Also felt a little down today. I am half way through treatment which is great but I still have 3 more months to go. And with each treatment my body is getting more tired and reacting more to the chemo. Makes it hard. I am really trying to stay strong and positive. :)
DAY 6 (April 21, 2011) -
Slept pretty good last night. Was tired again today but was able to keep Kalli home with me today. I did however take a 2 and half hour nap and I didn't do anything but lounge all day. Still had some pain today but it was a bit more mild.
Slept pretty decent. Took ibuprofen for my knees and slept with a pillow between them. Also took a melatonin. Woke up very tired. I was tired all day. Kurt took Kalli to a party in the morning and into the afternoon so I was able to take a nap for a few hours. I felt a little better after that and then I just got tired again about an hour or so later. I spent the whole day on the couch. Again nothing tasted right. That's about for day one.
DAY 2 (April 17, 2011) -
Slept okay. Did wake up a few times which is aggravating! Didn't feel as tired when I woke up. Kurt and I took Kalli to see the Easter Bunny here in our community and then went to my Mother in Laws to celebrate my brother in laws birthday. By the time we got to her house I was exhausted. Stayed tired the entire rest of the day and night. I still can't taste anything and I had bad heart burn. Guess that's it for day two. Sorry if it always sounds like I am complaining. I really just telling you what I am going through. Thanks you all of you who support me. Lots of love!!
DAY 3 (April 18, 2011) -
Again slept okay. Woke up a few times. Muscles are very sore and very uncomfortable. Kurt didn't have to work today but he and my brother in law did some work outside on the house so Kalli went to the sitter. The work was loud so I wasn't able to nap until they left for lunch. But it really helped not having to run around after Kalli. I was tired after Kalli got home but it was more of a worn out feeling. I just sat on the couch and let her play. I feel bad about doing that but that is all I can do. And I really don't think she knows any better. We did go outside for a bit too and I just sat in a chair and watched her play. I just tell her that mommy doesn't feel good. And she seems okay with that. I am just so ready to have my life back. It is hard having this disease control my life. When I get my chemo I am tired and worn out and not myself at all for about a week. I can't really go anywhere or do much of anything. I have to avoid crowds and sick people. I can't even clean my house if I wanted to because I have no energy. And that is just a little of how I feel. I know that I will get better soon and this is just a very small chapter in my life but it doesn't make it easy.
DAY 4 (April 19, 2011) -
Slept horrible last night. I woke up several times. I had a lot of deep muscle pain even though I took Ibuprofen. I took Kalli to the sitter today and slept for about 3 hours straight. Was still tired the rest of the night. Just worn out again. My taste didn't seem as bad today and my appetite wasn't as bad either so that is good. Was in pain all day though which is annoying. Well until tomorrow....
DAY 5 (April 20, 2011) -
Slept like crap again... The storms and the pain kept me up most the night. I took Kalli to the sitters today. I was tired but couldn't sleep. So I just rested. I was in pain again all day. My taste was pretty much back which is great! I was able to do a few things today like laundry and cook dinner so that was good. Also felt a little down today. I am half way through treatment which is great but I still have 3 more months to go. And with each treatment my body is getting more tired and reacting more to the chemo. Makes it hard. I am really trying to stay strong and positive. :)
DAY 6 (April 21, 2011) -
Slept pretty good last night. Was tired again today but was able to keep Kalli home with me today. I did however take a 2 and half hour nap and I didn't do anything but lounge all day. Still had some pain today but it was a bit more mild.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sixth Chemo
Sorry didn't write this yesterday I was very tired....
I am now half way through treatment!! Very exciting!
My husband Kurt went with me to chemo yesterday. It was nice for him to see how things go for me at chemo. My white count was good so there was no problem receiving my treatment. I gained another pound and a half. That is about at total of 13lbs since I have started my treatments. Funny thing is I have stopped trying to gain wait. But still happy with the result. I got pretty tired pretty fast yesterday. As soon as we got home I instantly wanted to take a nap. Kurt got Kalli from the sittters and took her to the grocery store with him so I had time to sleep. Thanks hun! Even after my hour and a half nap I was still exhausted. I felt like I just couldn't move. So just laid on the couch and watched Kalli play. My knees and forearms were tingly and achy again. That didn't start until about 10 PM or so. Such a strange sensation. My knees feel heavy and achy and hard to move. My arms just tingle. I am guessing this may happen with each treatment going forward but who knows! Well check back all week I will update how I am feeling each day.
I am now half way through treatment!! Very exciting!
My husband Kurt went with me to chemo yesterday. It was nice for him to see how things go for me at chemo. My white count was good so there was no problem receiving my treatment. I gained another pound and a half. That is about at total of 13lbs since I have started my treatments. Funny thing is I have stopped trying to gain wait. But still happy with the result. I got pretty tired pretty fast yesterday. As soon as we got home I instantly wanted to take a nap. Kurt got Kalli from the sittters and took her to the grocery store with him so I had time to sleep. Thanks hun! Even after my hour and a half nap I was still exhausted. I felt like I just couldn't move. So just laid on the couch and watched Kalli play. My knees and forearms were tingly and achy again. That didn't start until about 10 PM or so. Such a strange sensation. My knees feel heavy and achy and hard to move. My arms just tingle. I am guessing this may happen with each treatment going forward but who knows! Well check back all week I will update how I am feeling each day.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Days following my Fifth Treatment
DAY 1 - (April 2, 2011) -
Had some trouble sleeping last night. It is so hard being so tired but not being able to sleep. My knees were really bothering me. I took a melatonin and put a pillow between my legs. After about 45 mins I was able to fall asleep. I woke up feeling okay today. I was able to pick up Kalli from my moms. I did take a 2 hour nap afterwards and have felt tired ever since. My taste is way off again and I have not really been hungry. I am very happy to say that my knees and arms have not bothered me at all today. I really hope to get some better sleep tonight. Until tomorrow....
DAY 2 - (April 3, 2011) -
Took a melatonin before even laying down last night. Didn't have too much trouble falling asleep. I did however had a problem staying asleep. I woke this morning with huge headache. I could move off the couch until about 4 this afternoon. Luckily Kurt took Kalli grocery shopping and I was able to get a 2hr nap and he was just ahuge help today. I have been tired and nauseous and just felt like crap all day. My taste is way off still. So much so that I can't even drink water. I am having a hard to quinching my thirst. So annoying. LOL! Well that's all got today.
DAY 3 - (April 4, 2011) -
Slept much better last night. I took another melatonin and read a bit and don't even remember falling asleep. And I stayed asleep all night! Woke up tired and and worn down. Felt nauseous for about half the day then it started to ease up after a while. My taste is still off. I can't wait until that wears off. It is a very annoying side effect. Well I guess that is really it for the day.
DAY 4 - (April 5, 2011) -
Took a melatonin before bed again. (Looks like this may have to be common practice for me the week after chemo.) And I also read for a while again. I was able to fall asleep well. However when Kurt's alarm went off this morning I woke up and I had a very hard time falling back asleep. At some point I finally did but it wasn't good sleep. I took Kalli to the sitters today and took about a 4 hr nap. That was really much needed. I didn't feel nauseous today so that was a huge plus. My taste is still off but I can tell it is getting better. My appetite has been off since treatment and that really hasn't improved a ton yet. But usually when I get my taste back I get my appetite back too. No more to report for the day.
DAY 5 - (April 6, 2011) -
Slept well last night. Again took a melatonin and read some of my book. I keep dreaming a bunch though which is keeping me from sleeping well. I decided to keep Kalli home with me today. Which probably was not the best of ideas. We didn't even do anything and and by nap time I was exhausted. I took a two hour or so nap. My taste and appetite still the same as yesterday. But I can tell now I am starting to feel better.
DAY 6 - (April 7, 2011) -
Slept pretty good again last night. Felt decent when I woke up. My taste and appetite are back to normal (thank goodness!) Decided to take Kalli and I to the store to get a dress for Saturday. We were in the store for no more than 20 mins then headed back home. And wow I was exhausted afterwards. My whole body was tired. And I was unable to get a good nap in when Kalli was napping. People kept calling and the dog kept barking. Kurt had to work both jobs so I had to pull through and make dinner and play with Kalli even though I just wanted to veg. After Kalli went bed I took some time to relax then went to bed. Was a long exhausting day for me...
Had some trouble sleeping last night. It is so hard being so tired but not being able to sleep. My knees were really bothering me. I took a melatonin and put a pillow between my legs. After about 45 mins I was able to fall asleep. I woke up feeling okay today. I was able to pick up Kalli from my moms. I did take a 2 hour nap afterwards and have felt tired ever since. My taste is way off again and I have not really been hungry. I am very happy to say that my knees and arms have not bothered me at all today. I really hope to get some better sleep tonight. Until tomorrow....
DAY 2 - (April 3, 2011) -
Took a melatonin before even laying down last night. Didn't have too much trouble falling asleep. I did however had a problem staying asleep. I woke this morning with huge headache. I could move off the couch until about 4 this afternoon. Luckily Kurt took Kalli grocery shopping and I was able to get a 2hr nap and he was just ahuge help today. I have been tired and nauseous and just felt like crap all day. My taste is way off still. So much so that I can't even drink water. I am having a hard to quinching my thirst. So annoying. LOL! Well that's all got today.
DAY 3 - (April 4, 2011) -
Slept much better last night. I took another melatonin and read a bit and don't even remember falling asleep. And I stayed asleep all night! Woke up tired and and worn down. Felt nauseous for about half the day then it started to ease up after a while. My taste is still off. I can't wait until that wears off. It is a very annoying side effect. Well I guess that is really it for the day.
DAY 4 - (April 5, 2011) -
Took a melatonin before bed again. (Looks like this may have to be common practice for me the week after chemo.) And I also read for a while again. I was able to fall asleep well. However when Kurt's alarm went off this morning I woke up and I had a very hard time falling back asleep. At some point I finally did but it wasn't good sleep. I took Kalli to the sitters today and took about a 4 hr nap. That was really much needed. I didn't feel nauseous today so that was a huge plus. My taste is still off but I can tell it is getting better. My appetite has been off since treatment and that really hasn't improved a ton yet. But usually when I get my taste back I get my appetite back too. No more to report for the day.
DAY 5 - (April 6, 2011) -
Slept well last night. Again took a melatonin and read some of my book. I keep dreaming a bunch though which is keeping me from sleeping well. I decided to keep Kalli home with me today. Which probably was not the best of ideas. We didn't even do anything and and by nap time I was exhausted. I took a two hour or so nap. My taste and appetite still the same as yesterday. But I can tell now I am starting to feel better.
DAY 6 - (April 7, 2011) -
Slept pretty good again last night. Felt decent when I woke up. My taste and appetite are back to normal (thank goodness!) Decided to take Kalli and I to the store to get a dress for Saturday. We were in the store for no more than 20 mins then headed back home. And wow I was exhausted afterwards. My whole body was tired. And I was unable to get a good nap in when Kalli was napping. People kept calling and the dog kept barking. Kurt had to work both jobs so I had to pull through and make dinner and play with Kalli even though I just wanted to veg. After Kalli went bed I took some time to relax then went to bed. Was a long exhausting day for me...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fifth Chemo Treatment
Today was my 5th treatment. My mom came with me again. I decided that I enjoy having company. I had an appointment with Dr. Draper first. He was pretty much just seeing how things were going. I discussed with him the joint and muscle pain I had been experiencing after the last two treatments. He told me that is was most likely due to the bone marrow breaking down. Said it will probably also hurt when the marrow starts to build back up again. (yay....). Told me to take 800 mg of Ibuporfen and take very warm baths. Said if that didn't help he would presrcibe me a stronger pain med. He said that most likely I am in remission at this point but he said the reason he schedules for 6 cycles is to keep me in remission and to be sure that we rid of ALL the cancer. That was pretty much all we discussed.
I then went for my treatment. They told me that my white counts went up a little which is good news. I didn't gain anymore weight but I didn't lose anymore either. I am pretty much at the weight that I like to be at anyway. During my treatment Dr. Draper's nurse Lisa came storming into the infusion room and said "Megan you need to eat! Your blood sugar is 68"! (Normal is mid 80's to 100's) She then went over to where the snacks are and got me a Nurtigrain Bar. I told her that I can't help my sugar levels. That was pretty it with her haha. Treatment seemed to go pretty fast again. I guess I am just getting used to it all. I got pretty tired again. But didn't fall asleep. Just couldn't keep my eyes open. And I have been tired ever since. My lovely mother took Kalli for the night. Which is super helpful. I wouldn't have been able to run around after Kalli today. I have pretty much just laid around since I got home. My knees are both achy and my arms a little achy too. Of course I don't have the Ibuprofen yet. Guess I will have to get me some tomorrow.
Most of you know this by now but I have shaved my head. I did it this past Tuesday. I was getting tired of playing what I call "The hair game". Was sick of wondering when my hair was totally going to fall out. I decided to take control and shave it. I must say that I feel great. I feel like a strong women. Us women put so much thought and time in our hair and it isn't an easy thing to just shave it all off. Plus we worry about what people think. I posted my pic on Facebook and I got so many wonderful comments and best of all my wonderful husband told me how beautiful I looked. That was very special to me! Love you honey!
I have added some pictures my mom took on my second treatment. They are of me getting treatment, me getting sleepy LOL and pictures of the room. Oh and for anyone not on Facebook I added a pic of my shaved head too. Enjoy!
I then went for my treatment. They told me that my white counts went up a little which is good news. I didn't gain anymore weight but I didn't lose anymore either. I am pretty much at the weight that I like to be at anyway. During my treatment Dr. Draper's nurse Lisa came storming into the infusion room and said "Megan you need to eat! Your blood sugar is 68"! (Normal is mid 80's to 100's) She then went over to where the snacks are and got me a Nurtigrain Bar. I told her that I can't help my sugar levels. That was pretty it with her haha. Treatment seemed to go pretty fast again. I guess I am just getting used to it all. I got pretty tired again. But didn't fall asleep. Just couldn't keep my eyes open. And I have been tired ever since. My lovely mother took Kalli for the night. Which is super helpful. I wouldn't have been able to run around after Kalli today. I have pretty much just laid around since I got home. My knees are both achy and my arms a little achy too. Of course I don't have the Ibuprofen yet. Guess I will have to get me some tomorrow.
Most of you know this by now but I have shaved my head. I did it this past Tuesday. I was getting tired of playing what I call "The hair game". Was sick of wondering when my hair was totally going to fall out. I decided to take control and shave it. I must say that I feel great. I feel like a strong women. Us women put so much thought and time in our hair and it isn't an easy thing to just shave it all off. Plus we worry about what people think. I posted my pic on Facebook and I got so many wonderful comments and best of all my wonderful husband told me how beautiful I looked. That was very special to me! Love you honey!
I have added some pictures my mom took on my second treatment. They are of me getting treatment, me getting sleepy LOL and pictures of the room. Oh and for anyone not on Facebook I added a pic of my shaved head too. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Days following my Fourth Chemo
DAY 1 - (March 19, 2011) -
Well I slept well last night. Found myself a new trick that has been working wonders. I just simply read for a bit before I go to bed and I sleep great. I guess it just gets everything off my mind and I am able to just get right to sleep no problem.
I woke up today totally exhausted again. Which is not normal for how the last 3 treatments went. Kurt had to work tonight so my wonderful mother offered to come pick up Kalli and keep her for the night so that I could get some well needed rest. I just can't believe how tired I was and am. I didn't take a nap. I actually tried but couldn't. The most productive thing I did today was take a shower. And while in the shower I noticed a significant amount of hair loss. It was coming out pretty good and it was all over my arms and chest. So yeah that sucked. Haha. My taste isn't as off today as it was after the last treatment. Still not quite right though. Other than that I don't really have anything else to report for today.
DAY 2 - (March 20, 2011) -
Was pretty tired today again. I was able to get out and go to a family birthday party and dinner. But I am exhausted now. My taste was way off today. Not much hair loss. Which I guess makes me happy. Not much more to say. Too tired to write. LOL Sorry this one is short and sweet.
DAY 3 - (March 21, 2011) -
Was so tired last night that I didn't even have to read. I fell right asleep. I was very tired all day today. Sitter was on vacation so I had to keep Kalli home with me. Wasn't too bad. I just laid around on the couch most of the day. My appetite is way off. I didn't eat well. My taste is still off too. Also had heart burn all day. I am guessing that and the taste didn't help my appetite. Lost a little more hair today. But nothing crazy. Again sorry for the short and sweet but it late and my bed is calling my name. I can definitely say that this around of Chemo is kicking my butt!!
DAY 4 - (March 22, 2011) -
Was tired again today. Was able to take Kalli over the sitters. I relaxed most the day. I didn't feel the need to take a nap until after I took a shower. Lost a good amount of hair in the shower. Not sure how much longer I will have hair. LOL. Still had heart burn today but my taste was better. Oh and my appetite is getting better. My shoulders are starting to hurt again. I am thinking this is a side effect of the Chemo. It is something I am going to have to discuss with Dr. Draper. Well that is all for today.
DAY 5 - (March 23, 2011) -
Not as tired today. I did however take a really good 2 hour nap. It was much needed. Still having alot of heart burn and shoulder/Joint pain. My taste and appetite are back to normal. Lost some hair again today in the shower. Nothing else to report for today.
DAY 6 - (March 24, 2011) -
Today I was pretty much back to normal. Still some joint pain but not too severe. Also had a good amount of hair loss again. I really don't have much more to report. Sorry pretty boring. But that is for sure a good thing!!
Well I slept well last night. Found myself a new trick that has been working wonders. I just simply read for a bit before I go to bed and I sleep great. I guess it just gets everything off my mind and I am able to just get right to sleep no problem.
I woke up today totally exhausted again. Which is not normal for how the last 3 treatments went. Kurt had to work tonight so my wonderful mother offered to come pick up Kalli and keep her for the night so that I could get some well needed rest. I just can't believe how tired I was and am. I didn't take a nap. I actually tried but couldn't. The most productive thing I did today was take a shower. And while in the shower I noticed a significant amount of hair loss. It was coming out pretty good and it was all over my arms and chest. So yeah that sucked. Haha. My taste isn't as off today as it was after the last treatment. Still not quite right though. Other than that I don't really have anything else to report for today.
DAY 2 - (March 20, 2011) -
Was pretty tired today again. I was able to get out and go to a family birthday party and dinner. But I am exhausted now. My taste was way off today. Not much hair loss. Which I guess makes me happy. Not much more to say. Too tired to write. LOL Sorry this one is short and sweet.
DAY 3 - (March 21, 2011) -
Was so tired last night that I didn't even have to read. I fell right asleep. I was very tired all day today. Sitter was on vacation so I had to keep Kalli home with me. Wasn't too bad. I just laid around on the couch most of the day. My appetite is way off. I didn't eat well. My taste is still off too. Also had heart burn all day. I am guessing that and the taste didn't help my appetite. Lost a little more hair today. But nothing crazy. Again sorry for the short and sweet but it late and my bed is calling my name. I can definitely say that this around of Chemo is kicking my butt!!
DAY 4 - (March 22, 2011) -
Was tired again today. Was able to take Kalli over the sitters. I relaxed most the day. I didn't feel the need to take a nap until after I took a shower. Lost a good amount of hair in the shower. Not sure how much longer I will have hair. LOL. Still had heart burn today but my taste was better. Oh and my appetite is getting better. My shoulders are starting to hurt again. I am thinking this is a side effect of the Chemo. It is something I am going to have to discuss with Dr. Draper. Well that is all for today.
DAY 5 - (March 23, 2011) -
Not as tired today. I did however take a really good 2 hour nap. It was much needed. Still having alot of heart burn and shoulder/Joint pain. My taste and appetite are back to normal. Lost some hair again today in the shower. Nothing else to report for today.
DAY 6 - (March 24, 2011) -
Today I was pretty much back to normal. Still some joint pain but not too severe. Also had a good amount of hair loss again. I really don't have much more to report. Sorry pretty boring. But that is for sure a good thing!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Fourth Chemo
Today was my fourth Chemo treatment. My cousin Alicia came along for the ride this time. I gained another 3 and a half pounds!!
Before each treatment is started the nurse takes a blood sample to check my counts. She came back and told my white blood count was low. Particularly my neutrophils. She said that Dr. Draper said it was okay to go ahead with treatment. But I really need to avoid large crowds, stores and sick people. I guess I will have to be real careful! More so than I have been. Nothing super exciting happened. Got there at 11 and was out by 2:45.
When I got home boy was I exhausted and still am. It has never hit me like this on the first day of chemo. I took a nap when I got home. (my mom watched Kalli today) And I will be going to bed very shortly.
I still have hair! A lot has been falling out though and it is thinning. But you wouldn't be able to tell. I am unable to style it the way I used to because it is thinner. So I had to cut the back a little to give it a better shape. Yes you heard me I cut my hair. It isn't perfect but I figured I had nothing to lose. LOL
I actually like the way it looks and it is easier for me to deal with.
I guess I have nothing else more to say. I will update you tomorrow.
Before each treatment is started the nurse takes a blood sample to check my counts. She came back and told my white blood count was low. Particularly my neutrophils. She said that Dr. Draper said it was okay to go ahead with treatment. But I really need to avoid large crowds, stores and sick people. I guess I will have to be real careful! More so than I have been. Nothing super exciting happened. Got there at 11 and was out by 2:45.
When I got home boy was I exhausted and still am. It has never hit me like this on the first day of chemo. I took a nap when I got home. (my mom watched Kalli today) And I will be going to bed very shortly.
I still have hair! A lot has been falling out though and it is thinning. But you wouldn't be able to tell. I am unable to style it the way I used to because it is thinner. So I had to cut the back a little to give it a better shape. Yes you heard me I cut my hair. It isn't perfect but I figured I had nothing to lose. LOL
I actually like the way it looks and it is easier for me to deal with.
I guess I have nothing else more to say. I will update you tomorrow.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Days following my Third Chemo Treatment
DAY 1 (March 5, 2011) -
Well I slept pretty well last night. (Without my melatonin bc I don't have it yet). I have been pretty tired all day. Didn' t do too much. Didn't get to take a nap but really wanted/needed one. My taste has been really off today. It is pretty bad. Not a one thing has tasted good. My head has been very tender today. Not sure if that is a sign that my hair may start falling out soon or not. Guess we will see...
DAY 2 - (March 6, 2011) -
Slept well again without any meds. Woke up very tired today and stayed tired all day. Again my taste was waaaayy off. I did get to take a nap. Wish it were longer but I guess 2 hrs isn't so bad. LOL
Trying to eat well but it really is hard when food and drinks just don't taste good. I feel like my hair is falling out a little bit. But that could just be my mind playing with me. Well that is all I got for today.
DAY 3 - (March 7, 2011) -
Slept okay last night (no meds) until Kalli woke me up at 5:30. I was up with her until about 7ish and we both went back to sleep. Once we woke up for the day I was extremely tired and had a headache. I took her to the sitters and came back home and slept most of the day. I didn't eat well today. Things still don't taste right. Noticed some hair on my pillow this morning and strands were falling all day. Still nothing crazy but it is starting!
Will be taking the melatonin today so we will see how it works out for me.
DAY 4 - (March 8, 2011) -
Well didn't sleep any different after taking the Melatonin. Was pretty tired again today and I had this sharp annoying pain on my right shoulder. It was so bad that I needed to take some pain meds for it. I called my Doc just to make sure that the meds wouldn't interfere with my Chemo. The nurse insured me it was fine to take them. And guess what? They didn't even work. Well it took the edge off a little. They pain has nothing to do with my cancer. So I am not sure if I have a pinched nerve or what. But I may have to call my primary doc if this doesn't clear up soon. Sorry to rant! So my taste is back to normal YAY!! But my appetite still not that good. Hope tomorrow is a better day....
DAY 5 - (March 9, 2011) -
Slept decent. Woke up at 5 something when Kurt was getting ready for work and it took me over an hour to fall back alseep. But I didn't feel as tired today. Still needed a nap. My shoulder still in a lot of pain. Appetite is starting to come back which is good. I had a hard time pushing myself to eat this week. It really is hard to try and eat when nothing taste good. And this time around was the worst my taste has been. I was blowing my hair dry today and hair was flying around. It still isn't a ton that I am losing but I am definietly losing some hair. Slowly but surely!
DAY 6 - (March 10, 2011) -
Slept good until Kalli woke me up at 5 and decided she wasn't going back to sleep. LOL. Woke up feeling pretty good. (Still have shoulder pain) Today is Kalli's 2nd Birthday and my mom and I took her to the Cincinnati Children's Museum. We spent a couple of hours there and had a nice time. Needless to say I was exhausted by the time we got back to my moms. I was unable to nap despite how tired I was. So I should hopefully sleep great tonight. My appetite is back to complete normal now. I am happy for that. I want to be able to continue gaining a few more pounds. Had more hair blowing around today as I was blow drying. I just keep wondering if my hair is going to A) Continue to slowly fall out and just become rather thin. B) Start out slow and then become large sections and become patchy or C) Not do much at all. It is kind of driving me crazy. I have been preparing myself to lose my hair and I kinda just want whatever is going to happen to happen already. Not that I want my hair to fall out but I am just so antsy about it I guess.
Welp that is all I got for Day 6.
DAY 7 - (March 11, 2011) -
Had the best sleep that I had all week! I was able to get a few things done around the house. Still had to take a nap but wasn't as exhausted as I was earlier in the week. My hair is starting to come out even more now. When I run my hands through my hair I get a pretty good amount that comes out. But at this point you can't tell a difference. Will keep you updated on the hair loss if anything crazy happens. Otherwise I won't post until next chemo.
Well I slept pretty well last night. (Without my melatonin bc I don't have it yet). I have been pretty tired all day. Didn' t do too much. Didn't get to take a nap but really wanted/needed one. My taste has been really off today. It is pretty bad. Not a one thing has tasted good. My head has been very tender today. Not sure if that is a sign that my hair may start falling out soon or not. Guess we will see...
DAY 2 - (March 6, 2011) -
Slept well again without any meds. Woke up very tired today and stayed tired all day. Again my taste was waaaayy off. I did get to take a nap. Wish it were longer but I guess 2 hrs isn't so bad. LOL
Trying to eat well but it really is hard when food and drinks just don't taste good. I feel like my hair is falling out a little bit. But that could just be my mind playing with me. Well that is all I got for today.
DAY 3 - (March 7, 2011) -
Slept okay last night (no meds) until Kalli woke me up at 5:30. I was up with her until about 7ish and we both went back to sleep. Once we woke up for the day I was extremely tired and had a headache. I took her to the sitters and came back home and slept most of the day. I didn't eat well today. Things still don't taste right. Noticed some hair on my pillow this morning and strands were falling all day. Still nothing crazy but it is starting!
Will be taking the melatonin today so we will see how it works out for me.
DAY 4 - (March 8, 2011) -
Well didn't sleep any different after taking the Melatonin. Was pretty tired again today and I had this sharp annoying pain on my right shoulder. It was so bad that I needed to take some pain meds for it. I called my Doc just to make sure that the meds wouldn't interfere with my Chemo. The nurse insured me it was fine to take them. And guess what? They didn't even work. Well it took the edge off a little. They pain has nothing to do with my cancer. So I am not sure if I have a pinched nerve or what. But I may have to call my primary doc if this doesn't clear up soon. Sorry to rant! So my taste is back to normal YAY!! But my appetite still not that good. Hope tomorrow is a better day....
DAY 5 - (March 9, 2011) -
Slept decent. Woke up at 5 something when Kurt was getting ready for work and it took me over an hour to fall back alseep. But I didn't feel as tired today. Still needed a nap. My shoulder still in a lot of pain. Appetite is starting to come back which is good. I had a hard time pushing myself to eat this week. It really is hard to try and eat when nothing taste good. And this time around was the worst my taste has been. I was blowing my hair dry today and hair was flying around. It still isn't a ton that I am losing but I am definietly losing some hair. Slowly but surely!
DAY 6 - (March 10, 2011) -
Slept good until Kalli woke me up at 5 and decided she wasn't going back to sleep. LOL. Woke up feeling pretty good. (Still have shoulder pain) Today is Kalli's 2nd Birthday and my mom and I took her to the Cincinnati Children's Museum. We spent a couple of hours there and had a nice time. Needless to say I was exhausted by the time we got back to my moms. I was unable to nap despite how tired I was. So I should hopefully sleep great tonight. My appetite is back to complete normal now. I am happy for that. I want to be able to continue gaining a few more pounds. Had more hair blowing around today as I was blow drying. I just keep wondering if my hair is going to A) Continue to slowly fall out and just become rather thin. B) Start out slow and then become large sections and become patchy or C) Not do much at all. It is kind of driving me crazy. I have been preparing myself to lose my hair and I kinda just want whatever is going to happen to happen already. Not that I want my hair to fall out but I am just so antsy about it I guess.
Welp that is all I got for Day 6.
DAY 7 - (March 11, 2011) -
Had the best sleep that I had all week! I was able to get a few things done around the house. Still had to take a nap but wasn't as exhausted as I was earlier in the week. My hair is starting to come out even more now. When I run my hands through my hair I get a pretty good amount that comes out. But at this point you can't tell a difference. Will keep you updated on the hair loss if anything crazy happens. Otherwise I won't post until next chemo.
Third Chemo
Had my third Chemo treatment yesterday. My appt was at 11 AM. This time I went by myself. I gained another 3 and a half pounds!!!!! (Total of 8 and a half pounds)
They gave me benedryl upfront this time due to the reactions I have been having. It made me sleepy but I drank some coffee and didn't fall asleep. Overall the treatment went well. I also had a check up with the dr. Well he was running behind so I met with a nurse practitoner. She was just asking how things were going. I told her that I was doing pretty well. I did mention that I was having a lot of trouble sleeping. So she prescribed me Melatonin. That is pretty much it for the appt.
Everytime I go for treatment I see some of the same people. This time one of the couples I see ended up sitting next to me. (Their usual seats were gone. They were off being cleaned) The husband is sick and the wife brings him to the treatments. She was the one sitting next to me. We ended up talking about a bunch of random things and he was sleeping. I asked what kind of cancer he had she said it was cancer of the esophagus. She said this is the third time it has come back. He has had surgery and radiation as well as chemo and nothing seems to be working. I told her I was so sorry to hear that. I didn't know what to say. It very depressing when you have no more hope. It just makes to you appreciate life and makes me want to live my life to the fullest.
Check back each day this week for updates.
Thank you all for you support. Lots of love...
They gave me benedryl upfront this time due to the reactions I have been having. It made me sleepy but I drank some coffee and didn't fall asleep. Overall the treatment went well. I also had a check up with the dr. Well he was running behind so I met with a nurse practitoner. She was just asking how things were going. I told her that I was doing pretty well. I did mention that I was having a lot of trouble sleeping. So she prescribed me Melatonin. That is pretty much it for the appt.
Everytime I go for treatment I see some of the same people. This time one of the couples I see ended up sitting next to me. (Their usual seats were gone. They were off being cleaned) The husband is sick and the wife brings him to the treatments. She was the one sitting next to me. We ended up talking about a bunch of random things and he was sleeping. I asked what kind of cancer he had she said it was cancer of the esophagus. She said this is the third time it has come back. He has had surgery and radiation as well as chemo and nothing seems to be working. I told her I was so sorry to hear that. I didn't know what to say. It very depressing when you have no more hope. It just makes to you appreciate life and makes me want to live my life to the fullest.
Check back each day this week for updates.
Thank you all for you support. Lots of love...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Days following my second Chemo Treatment
DAY 1 (Feb 19, 2011) -
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I slept decent. I wasn't able to fall asleep until about 1AM but once I was asleep I stayed asleep. I felt good all day. I was able to do things around the house and I didn't even have to take a nap. I also ate pretty good too. Nothing else to really report for day one.
DAY 2 (Feb 20, 2011) -
Slept pretty good again last night. Woke up tired and pretty much stayed tired all day. I didn't nap again today but would have liked to. Everything is back to tasting very strange and my nausea stayed with me
most of the day too. Ate okay. Nothing really sounded good all day b/c of the strange taste thing I got going on. My hair is still sticking around. I am guessing that maybe by Tuesday some of it may start to fall out. Who really knows though. The doctor just mentioned the majority of his patients seem to start losing it after the second treatment. Well I don't really have anything else to report for today. Sorry these have been kind of boring. But I guess that is a good thing in a way!
DAY 3 - (Feb 21, 2011) -
Slept good again. Woke up worn out and stayed that way all day. Again nothing tasted right and I had a nauseous feeling all day. I took a nap and probably could have slept all day long. I know this is gross but I didn't even take a shower. I tried to play with Kalli as much as I could. But mainly I didn't leave the couch. That is all for today...
DAY 4 - (Feb 22, 2011) -
Didn't sleep as well last night. Had alot of dreams. All of them about my hair falling out. LOL.Only thing going on with the hair loss right now is that if I run my fingers through my hair I will get small amounts in my fingers each time. I woke up very worn out. Took Kalli to the sitters today and tried to rest. I didn't get to take a very good nap but I guess I did rest up enough. My appetite and tastes are almost back to normal which is great. I signed up today for a free program that the American Cancer Society does called Look Good Feel Better. They help woman going through Chemo and Radiation with there make up, wigs or scarves as well as how to apply make up and just feel beautiful while going through all of this. I signed up for March 14. I am so excited.
DAY 5 - (Feb 23, 2011) -
Slept pretty well last night. But again woke up today so exhausted. Took Kalli to the sitters again. Had such a hard time taking a nap. I just couldn't get comfortable. But I did finally get about an hour and half in. My hair loss is no different and my appetite is good to go. My neck and shoulders hurt today. Kind of a strange pain. Not sure how to explain it. My arm started to go numb today but luckily that only lasted for a few minutes. Nothing more to report for today...
DAY 6 - (Feb 24, 2011) -
Today went well. I didn't wake up tired and I was able to tidy up around the house and go to the grocery store. I still had to take a nap and of course I am exhausted now. I probably did a little too much. I will have to learn to balance that out. While blow drying my hair today I noticed that some of my hair was blowing around. Much more than normal. And after I applied my hair glue to my hair I had tons of hair in my hands. So I guess you can say my hair is starting to thin out a little. Oh that anyone really cares but I have been able to drink a glass of wine here and there without it giving me a monster headache. I guess the one time was a fluke. I know it is not important it is just interesting. Well that is it for today....
DAY 7 - (Feb 25, 2011) -
Woke up today with a sore throat. Felt kinda like crud all day. Hopefully I am not getting sick. I was still able to get somethings done around the house. I took needed a nap and it really needed to be longer than it was. But really nothing else to report. Was a pretty easy week. Will report after next Chemo.
UPDATE (Feb 26, 2011) -
Think that Kalli and I might have strep. Kalli has had a fever of over 100 two days in a row. To be safe my oncologist has prescribed me an antibiotic. And since it is the weekend I cannot take Kalli to the doctor until Monday. My throat and stomach have been hurting for a couple days now. If anything else comes up I will let everyone know.
I want to say thank you to everyone for all of the support! I greatly appreciate it all.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I slept decent. I wasn't able to fall asleep until about 1AM but once I was asleep I stayed asleep. I felt good all day. I was able to do things around the house and I didn't even have to take a nap. I also ate pretty good too. Nothing else to really report for day one.
DAY 2 (Feb 20, 2011) -
Slept pretty good again last night. Woke up tired and pretty much stayed tired all day. I didn't nap again today but would have liked to. Everything is back to tasting very strange and my nausea stayed with me
most of the day too. Ate okay. Nothing really sounded good all day b/c of the strange taste thing I got going on. My hair is still sticking around. I am guessing that maybe by Tuesday some of it may start to fall out. Who really knows though. The doctor just mentioned the majority of his patients seem to start losing it after the second treatment. Well I don't really have anything else to report for today. Sorry these have been kind of boring. But I guess that is a good thing in a way!
DAY 3 - (Feb 21, 2011) -
Slept good again. Woke up worn out and stayed that way all day. Again nothing tasted right and I had a nauseous feeling all day. I took a nap and probably could have slept all day long. I know this is gross but I didn't even take a shower. I tried to play with Kalli as much as I could. But mainly I didn't leave the couch. That is all for today...
DAY 4 - (Feb 22, 2011) -
Didn't sleep as well last night. Had alot of dreams. All of them about my hair falling out. LOL.Only thing going on with the hair loss right now is that if I run my fingers through my hair I will get small amounts in my fingers each time. I woke up very worn out. Took Kalli to the sitters today and tried to rest. I didn't get to take a very good nap but I guess I did rest up enough. My appetite and tastes are almost back to normal which is great. I signed up today for a free program that the American Cancer Society does called Look Good Feel Better. They help woman going through Chemo and Radiation with there make up, wigs or scarves as well as how to apply make up and just feel beautiful while going through all of this. I signed up for March 14. I am so excited.
DAY 5 - (Feb 23, 2011) -
Slept pretty well last night. But again woke up today so exhausted. Took Kalli to the sitters again. Had such a hard time taking a nap. I just couldn't get comfortable. But I did finally get about an hour and half in. My hair loss is no different and my appetite is good to go. My neck and shoulders hurt today. Kind of a strange pain. Not sure how to explain it. My arm started to go numb today but luckily that only lasted for a few minutes. Nothing more to report for today...
DAY 6 - (Feb 24, 2011) -
Today went well. I didn't wake up tired and I was able to tidy up around the house and go to the grocery store. I still had to take a nap and of course I am exhausted now. I probably did a little too much. I will have to learn to balance that out. While blow drying my hair today I noticed that some of my hair was blowing around. Much more than normal. And after I applied my hair glue to my hair I had tons of hair in my hands. So I guess you can say my hair is starting to thin out a little. Oh that anyone really cares but I have been able to drink a glass of wine here and there without it giving me a monster headache. I guess the one time was a fluke. I know it is not important it is just interesting. Well that is it for today....
DAY 7 - (Feb 25, 2011) -
Woke up today with a sore throat. Felt kinda like crud all day. Hopefully I am not getting sick. I was still able to get somethings done around the house. I took needed a nap and it really needed to be longer than it was. But really nothing else to report. Was a pretty easy week. Will report after next Chemo.
UPDATE (Feb 26, 2011) -
Think that Kalli and I might have strep. Kalli has had a fever of over 100 two days in a row. To be safe my oncologist has prescribed me an antibiotic. And since it is the weekend I cannot take Kalli to the doctor until Monday. My throat and stomach have been hurting for a couple days now. If anything else comes up I will let everyone know.
I want to say thank you to everyone for all of the support! I greatly appreciate it all.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Second Chemo
So today was Chemo #2. Got to say I was not really looking forward to it. This past week I have felt pretty normal and I wasn't looking forward to going back to all the crazy side effects.
GREAT NEWS!!!!!! I gained 5 pounds in one week!! I am so excited. I have been trying really hard to eat high calories and more frequent meals and it seems to be working. YAY!!!
Before I go into how the day went I figure I will try to explain to you what the infusion room looks like. It is a large wide open room. At the the head of the room is the nurses station. Off to the side of that is the small kitchenette (fridge and counter with snacks and such). And then next to that is the bathrooms. On the opposite wall of the nurses station is a windowed wall and against that wall are several chairs that look like hospital grade recliners. Next to each of those is a vistor chair. Opposite those chairs in front of the bathrooms and kitchenette is another row of chairs. In the middle of the room is 4 rows of chairs. The outside row faces a wall, the 2 middle rows face each other and the last row faces one of the middle rows. Behind the last row are 4 "private rooms." They have curtains that can be pulled closed for privacy. So that is the room. I hope it makes since. My mom took some pictures today so I will put them on here when I can.
My appt today was at 9AM. My mom took me again today for company and in case I had to receive Benedryl again. My nurse today was Kim. She was great. She was funny and laughed alot. The first med she put in my line was an anti nausea medication that had a steriod in it called Decadron. Appartently this little guy is the reason I couldn't sleep for days after my first Chemo. And it will probably affect me everytime... I was then given a Pepcid to help with any allergic reactions and to avoid taking the Benedryl.
First Chemo drug I was given was Viznblastine, then Adriamycin after that was the Bleomycin AND GUESS WHAT??? I had an allergic reaction the Bleomycin (So we now know which med it is which good). It was a very minimal reaction. Just minor inching. But I had to get the Benedryl anyway. After all that I was given the final drug which is Dacarbazine. The Benedryl made be super sleepy for a bit but I never fell asleep. I was all finished at 1:30 PM. I came home and crashed on the couch for about an hour or so. Went and picked Kalli up at sitters. I was feeling very tired and worn out. But despite the way I was feeling, I decided to go meet Kurt, my Mother in law, Father in law, my sis in law, bro in law and Niece for dinner. I think it was a good thing for me to get out and do something even though I was tired. I need to push my body sometimes to keep it strong. Oh and so far my taste isn't as screwed up as last time. A little off but not too significant. And no nausea to report. I am extremely thirsty again with no relief which is annoying. Well this it for today. I will be posting again how each day following this treatment goes so please check tomorrow for the first update to Chemo # 2.
2 down 10 to go!!!
GREAT NEWS!!!!!! I gained 5 pounds in one week!! I am so excited. I have been trying really hard to eat high calories and more frequent meals and it seems to be working. YAY!!!
Before I go into how the day went I figure I will try to explain to you what the infusion room looks like. It is a large wide open room. At the the head of the room is the nurses station. Off to the side of that is the small kitchenette (fridge and counter with snacks and such). And then next to that is the bathrooms. On the opposite wall of the nurses station is a windowed wall and against that wall are several chairs that look like hospital grade recliners. Next to each of those is a vistor chair. Opposite those chairs in front of the bathrooms and kitchenette is another row of chairs. In the middle of the room is 4 rows of chairs. The outside row faces a wall, the 2 middle rows face each other and the last row faces one of the middle rows. Behind the last row are 4 "private rooms." They have curtains that can be pulled closed for privacy. So that is the room. I hope it makes since. My mom took some pictures today so I will put them on here when I can.
My appt today was at 9AM. My mom took me again today for company and in case I had to receive Benedryl again. My nurse today was Kim. She was great. She was funny and laughed alot. The first med she put in my line was an anti nausea medication that had a steriod in it called Decadron. Appartently this little guy is the reason I couldn't sleep for days after my first Chemo. And it will probably affect me everytime... I was then given a Pepcid to help with any allergic reactions and to avoid taking the Benedryl.
First Chemo drug I was given was Viznblastine, then Adriamycin after that was the Bleomycin AND GUESS WHAT??? I had an allergic reaction the Bleomycin (So we now know which med it is which good). It was a very minimal reaction. Just minor inching. But I had to get the Benedryl anyway. After all that I was given the final drug which is Dacarbazine. The Benedryl made be super sleepy for a bit but I never fell asleep. I was all finished at 1:30 PM. I came home and crashed on the couch for about an hour or so. Went and picked Kalli up at sitters. I was feeling very tired and worn out. But despite the way I was feeling, I decided to go meet Kurt, my Mother in law, Father in law, my sis in law, bro in law and Niece for dinner. I think it was a good thing for me to get out and do something even though I was tired. I need to push my body sometimes to keep it strong. Oh and so far my taste isn't as screwed up as last time. A little off but not too significant. And no nausea to report. I am extremely thirsty again with no relief which is annoying. Well this it for today. I will be posting again how each day following this treatment goes so please check tomorrow for the first update to Chemo # 2.
2 down 10 to go!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Days following my first Chemo Treatment
This part of the blog is sort of a journal for myself. To see how I feel and what I expericence on the days following my Chemo Treatments. I will add each day following the first treatment under this post. So if you are interested in how in how I feel and what I am experiencing each day please check back to this post.
DAY 1 - (Feb 5, 2011)
Had a hard time sleeping last night. The nurse said that this may happen due to the steroids that are in my "cocktail".
I woke up at 7 AM and was wide awake. I didn't really feel nauseous but had a strange feeling in my stomach. I popped my anti nausea pill that I am to take and that was that. (But that feeling never went away)
Next thing I noticed is that EVERYTHING tastes different. Not sure how to explain it. It is not a good different I can tell you that. Sorta metallic tasting. Not enjoyable that is for sure. I hope that goes away soon.
I wasn't more tired than usual today. I tried to get some things done around the house that I may not be able to get to for days. I am anticipating that by tomorrow or the next day I will be pretty tired and not wanting to do much of anything at all.
Took my normal 2 hr nap when Kalli took hers today. I am so glad at this point that she still takes naps. I really need them. My poor body gets tired so easy.
Despite the fact that everything tasted gross I ate pretty okay today. Could have been better. Need to work on that still.
No hair falling out yet by the way!! LOL
Well that is it for day one.
DAY 2 - (Feb 6, 2011)
Last night I didn't sleep well AT ALL. I haven't done much of anything today. Lots of sleep. My nausea is a little more present today. Things are still tasting odd. Not as much as yesterday so it is either getting better or I am getting used to it. LOL. Still could be eating better but my wonderful mother is working on a meal plan for me. Just have to make myself eat the food.
Well no more for day two.
DAY 3 - (Feb 7, 2011)
Actually today wasn't so bad. I didn't sleep well again. But after a nap I didn't feel real bad. Just weak. Can't do a lot of anything. My body tires way too quickly. Like after a shower, cooking dinner or even playing with Kalli. My appetite was better today and no nausea. Even things started to taste back to normal. Only thing now is that I am always thirsty and NOTHING quiches my thirst. Guess there has always got to be something.
No more for day 3...
DAY 4 - (Feb 8, 2011)
I slept better last night than I had in the last several days. I kept Kalli home with me today (instead of taking her to the sitters) But I did have a bit of trouble staying awake in the early morning while Kalli was playing. Overall I was feeling pretty good though. I was eating well and all. I took a nap when Kalli did. I was thinking to myself wow this first round of Chemo went pretty smooth. Then BAM! At about 4:30 PM I starting developing a migraine. I was feeling quesy and and just not right. Kurt wasn't home yet from work and dinner time was approaching. Soon my whole left hand went kinda tingly numb then my tongue. I called my doctor and he said that it is a normal reaction to one of the meds in my Chemo "cocktail" Vinblastine. He said I shouldn't be concerned unless I had slurred speech or extreme weakness. I asked how I could be reacting now after getting treatment Friday. He said today is the 5th day and it is the peak. So I guess I was way wrong about thinking I was out of the woods. The tinglying luckily didn't last long but I just haven't felt "right" the rest of the night. Since Kurt was working I had to cook dinner, give Kalli a bath, and play with her before bed. Talk about a challenge when you just don't feel good. But those are the things that us parents have to endure sick or not. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow! :)
DAY 5 - (Feb 9, 2011)
Got my best sleep yet last night!! Took Kalli to the sitters today. When I got home it was about quarter to 9 AM. I had to FORCE myself to eat breakfast. I was too tired to make anything and nothing sounded good. So after eating I went to sleep, and I slept and slept and slept. Around 1:30 PM I got a call from my grandma checking to see how I was doing. Now it was time to force myself to eat lunch. After lunch again I slept and slept. Sitter texted me at 3:30 that Kalli was done with her nap and I could come get her at anytime. At this point I hadn't even taken a shower. It took me until 4:30 to get myself off the couch in the shower and off to pick up Kalli. When I got Kalli home my enegry level picked up which was good timing and I was able to play and cook dinner no problem. But now I am back to being exhausted!! Who knows what tomorrow will bring....
DAY 6 - (Feb 10, 2011)
I have to say that today was the best day yet! I slept well again, which is a plus! I woke up thinking I was going to be super tired again. But after getting Kalli up and moving around I actually felt pretty good. I really wanted to get out of the house. Besides taking Kalli to the sitters I hadn't gotten out of the house since last Friday. So I got all cleaned up and we went to the Dollar Store and to Krogers. Yeah I know not so exciting but I loved just getting out and moving. After being out for a couple of hours, we came home had lunch and crashed!! I napped super hard. Which I knew I would. But after we woke up I was back to having some more energy. It was great. I was able to do some things around the house. I almost felt dare I say "normal". Hard part in all of this is not knowing how I am going to feel from day to day or even sometimes hour by hour. But in the end the result will be awesome! Visit with Dr. Draper tomorrow to see how things are going. Will keep you all posted....
So you know how I just mentioned above that I am not sure how I am going to feel hour by hour well....
As Iwas writing that above I decided to enjoy a glass of wine. BAD IDEA!! I began getting the start of a migraine. And Now I feel awful!! Guess I can mark wine off the list. I have to say it is so hard to just not know what is going to happen with anything I do or eat or drink. All of this is definitely going to be a struggle.
DAY 7 (Feb 11, 2011)
Today was the visit with Dr. Draper. Nothing exciting. He just said things are going a long as they should. My appt was at 10:45 and when I got home I crashed until 3. But after my nap I have felt pretty good all day. Pretty much a non-eventful day. Which is the good kind right?? Well This is where I stop recording the days after my first treatement. I will only log if something exciting goes on. So you all will most likely not hear from me until next Friday the 18th.
DAY 1 - (Feb 5, 2011)
Had a hard time sleeping last night. The nurse said that this may happen due to the steroids that are in my "cocktail".
I woke up at 7 AM and was wide awake. I didn't really feel nauseous but had a strange feeling in my stomach. I popped my anti nausea pill that I am to take and that was that. (But that feeling never went away)
Next thing I noticed is that EVERYTHING tastes different. Not sure how to explain it. It is not a good different I can tell you that. Sorta metallic tasting. Not enjoyable that is for sure. I hope that goes away soon.
I wasn't more tired than usual today. I tried to get some things done around the house that I may not be able to get to for days. I am anticipating that by tomorrow or the next day I will be pretty tired and not wanting to do much of anything at all.
Took my normal 2 hr nap when Kalli took hers today. I am so glad at this point that she still takes naps. I really need them. My poor body gets tired so easy.
Despite the fact that everything tasted gross I ate pretty okay today. Could have been better. Need to work on that still.
No hair falling out yet by the way!! LOL
Well that is it for day one.
DAY 2 - (Feb 6, 2011)
Last night I didn't sleep well AT ALL. I haven't done much of anything today. Lots of sleep. My nausea is a little more present today. Things are still tasting odd. Not as much as yesterday so it is either getting better or I am getting used to it. LOL. Still could be eating better but my wonderful mother is working on a meal plan for me. Just have to make myself eat the food.
Well no more for day two.
DAY 3 - (Feb 7, 2011)
Actually today wasn't so bad. I didn't sleep well again. But after a nap I didn't feel real bad. Just weak. Can't do a lot of anything. My body tires way too quickly. Like after a shower, cooking dinner or even playing with Kalli. My appetite was better today and no nausea. Even things started to taste back to normal. Only thing now is that I am always thirsty and NOTHING quiches my thirst. Guess there has always got to be something.
No more for day 3...
DAY 4 - (Feb 8, 2011)
I slept better last night than I had in the last several days. I kept Kalli home with me today (instead of taking her to the sitters) But I did have a bit of trouble staying awake in the early morning while Kalli was playing. Overall I was feeling pretty good though. I was eating well and all. I took a nap when Kalli did. I was thinking to myself wow this first round of Chemo went pretty smooth. Then BAM! At about 4:30 PM I starting developing a migraine. I was feeling quesy and and just not right. Kurt wasn't home yet from work and dinner time was approaching. Soon my whole left hand went kinda tingly numb then my tongue. I called my doctor and he said that it is a normal reaction to one of the meds in my Chemo "cocktail" Vinblastine. He said I shouldn't be concerned unless I had slurred speech or extreme weakness. I asked how I could be reacting now after getting treatment Friday. He said today is the 5th day and it is the peak. So I guess I was way wrong about thinking I was out of the woods. The tinglying luckily didn't last long but I just haven't felt "right" the rest of the night. Since Kurt was working I had to cook dinner, give Kalli a bath, and play with her before bed. Talk about a challenge when you just don't feel good. But those are the things that us parents have to endure sick or not. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow! :)
DAY 5 - (Feb 9, 2011)
Got my best sleep yet last night!! Took Kalli to the sitters today. When I got home it was about quarter to 9 AM. I had to FORCE myself to eat breakfast. I was too tired to make anything and nothing sounded good. So after eating I went to sleep, and I slept and slept and slept. Around 1:30 PM I got a call from my grandma checking to see how I was doing. Now it was time to force myself to eat lunch. After lunch again I slept and slept. Sitter texted me at 3:30 that Kalli was done with her nap and I could come get her at anytime. At this point I hadn't even taken a shower. It took me until 4:30 to get myself off the couch in the shower and off to pick up Kalli. When I got Kalli home my enegry level picked up which was good timing and I was able to play and cook dinner no problem. But now I am back to being exhausted!! Who knows what tomorrow will bring....
DAY 6 - (Feb 10, 2011)
I have to say that today was the best day yet! I slept well again, which is a plus! I woke up thinking I was going to be super tired again. But after getting Kalli up and moving around I actually felt pretty good. I really wanted to get out of the house. Besides taking Kalli to the sitters I hadn't gotten out of the house since last Friday. So I got all cleaned up and we went to the Dollar Store and to Krogers. Yeah I know not so exciting but I loved just getting out and moving. After being out for a couple of hours, we came home had lunch and crashed!! I napped super hard. Which I knew I would. But after we woke up I was back to having some more energy. It was great. I was able to do some things around the house. I almost felt dare I say "normal". Hard part in all of this is not knowing how I am going to feel from day to day or even sometimes hour by hour. But in the end the result will be awesome! Visit with Dr. Draper tomorrow to see how things are going. Will keep you all posted....
So you know how I just mentioned above that I am not sure how I am going to feel hour by hour well....
As Iwas writing that above I decided to enjoy a glass of wine. BAD IDEA!! I began getting the start of a migraine. And Now I feel awful!! Guess I can mark wine off the list. I have to say it is so hard to just not know what is going to happen with anything I do or eat or drink. All of this is definitely going to be a struggle.
DAY 7 (Feb 11, 2011)
Today was the visit with Dr. Draper. Nothing exciting. He just said things are going a long as they should. My appt was at 10:45 and when I got home I crashed until 3. But after my nap I have felt pretty good all day. Pretty much a non-eventful day. Which is the good kind right?? Well This is where I stop recording the days after my first treatement. I will only log if something exciting goes on. So you all will most likely not hear from me until next Friday the 18th.
Friday, February 4, 2011
First Day of Chemo
Had to be at oncologist today at 9AM. Mom picked me up and soon after 9 we met with Dr. Draper. He informed me that my staging for my cancer is IIIB (the B means that I had symptoms such as night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, etc). The cancer is not in my bones and that is good news. He reassured me that I have over a 95% chance for cure. He said I would need to go for 6 cycles (that is 6 months) He said after 4 cycles they will do another PET scan to see if cancer is gone. If that is the case they do the other two cycles as a precaution. If the cancer is still present then he said we will talk about the options at that point in time.
I asked the doctor when to expect my hair to fall out. He said probably after first cycle. So we are looking at around March. (Yay......NOT) Oh well. I will take it for what it is. I need to get better and this one side effect that I have to put up with.
So after meeting with Dr. Draper it was time to start my Chemo. My nurses name today was Julia. She was super awesome. She put the huber needle (I call him Hubey, Dolly's boyfriend) into my port. I thought this was going to really hurt but it didn't at all. First they put saline in the line. Next was a small test dose of one of the drugs Bleomycin to be sure there were no allergic reaction because this drug apparently can cause some bad reactions. After the test the gave me the rest of the Bleomycin. This all took over an hour. The next drug was a push drug (not a drip) and that was the Adriamycin (this is drug is red! and guess what it turns red haha) After this drug they gave me a drug called Vinblastine this is also a push drug. Then the last drug was called Dacarbazine which is a drip drug (these take much longer, like over an hour). Between Vinblastine and the Dacarbazine, I starting getting a rash on my stomach and right under my bra. Appartently I had a slight reaction to one of these two drugs we are not sure which one so I had to to have a dose of Benedryl. After that I was able to finsh off the Dacarbazine. They said next time they will spread out the drugs to better pinpoint which one I am allergic to and give me the Benedryl before that one.
So of course after getting the Benedryl even though it was a small amount I fell asleep for the last hour and a half or so.
We were all finished around to 2PM and I was sent on my merry way. I was given two drugs for nausea. One to take tomorrow and Sunday. And one to take as needed.
Well at this point I can't thing of anything else to say.
1 down 11 to go!!!!
I asked the doctor when to expect my hair to fall out. He said probably after first cycle. So we are looking at around March. (Yay......NOT) Oh well. I will take it for what it is. I need to get better and this one side effect that I have to put up with.
So after meeting with Dr. Draper it was time to start my Chemo. My nurses name today was Julia. She was super awesome. She put the huber needle (I call him Hubey, Dolly's boyfriend) into my port. I thought this was going to really hurt but it didn't at all. First they put saline in the line. Next was a small test dose of one of the drugs Bleomycin to be sure there were no allergic reaction because this drug apparently can cause some bad reactions. After the test the gave me the rest of the Bleomycin. This all took over an hour. The next drug was a push drug (not a drip) and that was the Adriamycin (this is drug is red! and guess what it turns red haha) After this drug they gave me a drug called Vinblastine this is also a push drug. Then the last drug was called Dacarbazine which is a drip drug (these take much longer, like over an hour). Between Vinblastine and the Dacarbazine, I starting getting a rash on my stomach and right under my bra. Appartently I had a slight reaction to one of these two drugs we are not sure which one so I had to to have a dose of Benedryl. After that I was able to finsh off the Dacarbazine. They said next time they will spread out the drugs to better pinpoint which one I am allergic to and give me the Benedryl before that one.
So of course after getting the Benedryl even though it was a small amount I fell asleep for the last hour and a half or so.
We were all finished around to 2PM and I was sent on my merry way. I was given two drugs for nausea. One to take tomorrow and Sunday. And one to take as needed.
Well at this point I can't thing of anything else to say.
1 down 11 to go!!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Slight change of plans
I was all set to have my first treatment tomorrow (Feb 2). But Lisa (Doctor's nurse) called and asked if I would be willing to move it to this Friday (Feb 4). She said they were quite busy tomorrow and they wanted more time to pay attention to me because I am a new patient. So now I have to wait 2 more days. I really just want to get the first treatment out of the way. See what it's like and what I have to go through afterwards. That part of this process is such a big unknown for me. And I would like all those things answered. But I guess that will all come soon enough.
Other news I have on me at this point it that I am non stop tired. I could sleep all day. That is just part of the illness.
I am only slightly sore from getting Dolly put in now.
I have been working on eating 3 meals each day which is a challenge for me right now. But I do not want to drop anymore weight. If anything I would love to gain weight during this process.
Still have lots of love pouring in which is awesome.
Well will keep you updated on how first treatment goes.
Other news I have on me at this point it that I am non stop tired. I could sleep all day. That is just part of the illness.
I am only slightly sore from getting Dolly put in now.
I have been working on eating 3 meals each day which is a challenge for me right now. But I do not want to drop anymore weight. If anything I would love to gain weight during this process.
Still have lots of love pouring in which is awesome.
Well will keep you updated on how first treatment goes.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen: Dolly has entered my body...
Yesterday is the day that I had my port a cath put in (Dolly as we all know her.) My mom picked me up at my house around 6 AM. When we arrived at the hospital we did the normal registration process. After only sitting in the waiting room maybe 5 mins I was called to come on back. Had to to take a pregnancy test just to be sure. Then she stuck in my IV. And did all the other "normal" routine things that they do. (I think I could do all of this in my sleep). They gave me one of my most favoritist things ever! A WARM BLANKET! :)
The were explaining how the port works - So here is my stab at what they said. It is implanted completely under your skin. and there is a line that gets connected into one of your heart values. When they give you the Chemo meds they just hook up the Huber needle by injecting your skin above your port.
The model they showed me was a little larger height wise and said that there is a newer model that is much smaller if I would like to have that one because I am so small. I said of course.
So the docs came and said it was a go and I walked on my way to the surgery room. Everyone got me all prepped me up, then gave me the night night drugs and I was good to go. I was a little in and a little out the whole time. But didn't feel any pain during the procedure like on my stupid bone marrow biopsy.
I had to stay and recover after for about an hour. Munched on crackers and had some soda. Pain didn't really start to pick up until I was getting ready to leave. So nurse was able to get me a vicodin.
Here comes the funny part!!!
So the vicodin makes me feel all loopy but I am "starving". I ask my mom if we can go to Bob Evans. So we do and the whole time we are waiting for our food I can't keep my eyes open and I feel all nauseaus. Food finally arrives I take two bites and say ew I can't I just can't! But I did eat most of my banana bread. My mom asked for the check and we high tailed it out of there.
Next thing I remember was being at home hitting my pillow and going to sleep for a couple of hours. I did feel better at this point at least! LOL. Kalli came home and I played with her as much as I could. Kurt helped with all the rest. Thanks Honey!
What a fun day huh???
This is Dolly!
The were explaining how the port works - So here is my stab at what they said. It is implanted completely under your skin. and there is a line that gets connected into one of your heart values. When they give you the Chemo meds they just hook up the Huber needle by injecting your skin above your port.
The model they showed me was a little larger height wise and said that there is a newer model that is much smaller if I would like to have that one because I am so small. I said of course.
So the docs came and said it was a go and I walked on my way to the surgery room. Everyone got me all prepped me up, then gave me the night night drugs and I was good to go. I was a little in and a little out the whole time. But didn't feel any pain during the procedure like on my stupid bone marrow biopsy.
I had to stay and recover after for about an hour. Munched on crackers and had some soda. Pain didn't really start to pick up until I was getting ready to leave. So nurse was able to get me a vicodin.
Here comes the funny part!!!
So the vicodin makes me feel all loopy but I am "starving". I ask my mom if we can go to Bob Evans. So we do and the whole time we are waiting for our food I can't keep my eyes open and I feel all nauseaus. Food finally arrives I take two bites and say ew I can't I just can't! But I did eat most of my banana bread. My mom asked for the check and we high tailed it out of there.
Next thing I remember was being at home hitting my pillow and going to sleep for a couple of hours. I did feel better at this point at least! LOL. Kalli came home and I played with her as much as I could. Kurt helped with all the rest. Thanks Honey!
What a fun day huh???
This is Dolly!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
So for those of you that don't know, I have found a name for my port. Some of you make think all this is funny or odd. Well I look at it this way, this thing is going to be a part of me for quite sometime. So I figured a fun way to welcome it to my body would be to give it a name. I put a poll of Facebook that generated a few good suggestions. But not really too many people even tried. (NO FUN) Today I was laying on the couch taking a nap and BAM I suddenly wake up and out of my mouth comes Dolly Porton!! (No Joke) I started cracking up! So that is her (my port's ) name. I am going to have to figure out a way to bedazzle her now LOL
Strangely, I loved Dolly when I was a kid. I remember watching all of her Christmas specials with Kenny Rogers while I was at my grandparents house. I always thought she was the prettiest thing and I always wanted to be her!
I get Dolly put in tomorrow! We are getting so much closer to treatment I am getting excited. I was feeling like it was never going to get here. I will post tomorrow on how Dolly's arrival went!
Night Megan
Strangely, I loved Dolly when I was a kid. I remember watching all of her Christmas specials with Kenny Rogers while I was at my grandparents house. I always thought she was the prettiest thing and I always wanted to be her!
I get Dolly put in tomorrow! We are getting so much closer to treatment I am getting excited. I was feeling like it was never going to get here. I will post tomorrow on how Dolly's arrival went!
Night Megan
Saturday, January 22, 2011
PET Scan Day
Today I went to have my PET Scan (PET can help physicians effectively pinpoint the source of cancer. This is possible because many cancer cells are highly metabolic and therefore synthesize the radioactive glucose (sugar) that is injected in the patient prior to the exam. The areas of high glucose uptake are dramatically displayed in the scan imagery, as opposed to the anatomical imagery of CT or MRI, which cannot detect active, viable tumors.
If cancer is found early, it can often be cured. A PET scan can be used in early diagnosis, assisting physicians in determining the best method for treatment. A whole body PET scan may detect whether cancer is isolated to one specific area or has spread to other organs before a treatment path is determined.)
I had a special diet the day before to obide by:
Low Carb
No Bread
No Pasta
No Rice
No Cookies
No Candy
No Pop
And No Alcohol
On top of that I had to drink 24 to 32 oz of water.
I arrived at Good Sam today at 8:00 AM. Was taken to the trailer where the PET Scans are done (Most hospitals cannot afford a PET Scan so a mobile ones comes to each hospital) They injected with me with some radioactive dye then send back inside the hospital to wait for a half an hour.
After that half hour passed they came and got me and put me under the machine which looks like a CT scan. That took about 25 mins or so. So the whole process was super easy.
More news about me...
A couple of weeks ago I was put on some anitbiotics for a cough I had. Monday night was my last dose. Strangely this medication seemed to mask some of my Lymphoma symtoms. Because boy the last few days I have been so tired and my appetite is gone. I am forcing myself to eat. For those of you who know me I am already a freaking stick so I can't stand to lose anymore wait. I am hoping some of these things go away after I start treatment but from what I hear Chemo makes you lose your appetite and makes you tired. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Next big thing coming up for me is on January 27th. I get my port put in. I am going to name it. The only name I can think of so far is Port O Potty! LOL So suggestions are greatly appreciated. I will be also running a poll on Facebook.
Talk to you soon......
If cancer is found early, it can often be cured. A PET scan can be used in early diagnosis, assisting physicians in determining the best method for treatment. A whole body PET scan may detect whether cancer is isolated to one specific area or has spread to other organs before a treatment path is determined.)
I had a special diet the day before to obide by:
Low Carb
No Bread
No Pasta
No Rice
No Cookies
No Candy
No Pop
And No Alcohol
On top of that I had to drink 24 to 32 oz of water.
I arrived at Good Sam today at 8:00 AM. Was taken to the trailer where the PET Scans are done (Most hospitals cannot afford a PET Scan so a mobile ones comes to each hospital) They injected with me with some radioactive dye then send back inside the hospital to wait for a half an hour.
After that half hour passed they came and got me and put me under the machine which looks like a CT scan. That took about 25 mins or so. So the whole process was super easy.
More news about me...
A couple of weeks ago I was put on some anitbiotics for a cough I had. Monday night was my last dose. Strangely this medication seemed to mask some of my Lymphoma symtoms. Because boy the last few days I have been so tired and my appetite is gone. I am forcing myself to eat. For those of you who know me I am already a freaking stick so I can't stand to lose anymore wait. I am hoping some of these things go away after I start treatment but from what I hear Chemo makes you lose your appetite and makes you tired. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Next big thing coming up for me is on January 27th. I get my port put in. I am going to name it. The only name I can think of so far is Port O Potty! LOL So suggestions are greatly appreciated. I will be also running a poll on Facebook.
Talk to you soon......
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Long Day.....
Yesterday (Jan 18) I went to Good Sam to have some procedures done. My mom picked me up and we arrived at the hospital at 8 AM.
First I went to have blood drawn.
After that we headed to have my MUGA scan done. (A MUGA scan is performed by attaching a radioactive substance, Technetium 99, to red blood cells, then injecting the red blood cells into the patient’s bloodstream. The patient is then placed under a special camera (a gamma camera), which is able to detect the low-level radiation being given off by the Technetium-labelled red cells. Since the red blood cells (including those that are radio-labelled) fill the cardiac chambers, the image produced by the gamma camera is essentially an outline of those chambers. With some fancy computer manipulation, the the final product is a movie of the heart beating.)
Then we headed to have my Pulmonary Function Test (Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are a series of different breathing tests led by a trained pulmonary function technologist, usually done at a hospital or clinic. Most of these breathing tests are done by blowing into a tube while sitting in a chair.) And let me tell you I did not like this test at all. It was hard to breath so many different ways so many times. I was in there for over an hour.
The reason for these two tests are because the Chemotherapy I am getting can affect both my lungs and my heart. So they need to make sure both are strong enough to handle the Chemo.
So now we are at 11 AM
We then went to get my bone marrow biopsy. I got called back for prep to a small hospital room at 11:45. They asked tons of medical history then put my IV in. My test wasn't scheduled until 2 PM so my mom and I just sat there and talked. (FYI - I was starving at this point. I had a Carnation Instant Breakfast before I left the house. Then no more food or drinks allowed) At about 2 ish they carted me off to a "patient holding" area. I then sat there until 3. The doctor doing the procedure was running behind.
Okay right here I am going to step back a minute - When I went to see my oncologist he assured me that I would be put to sleep for this procedure. Because I have heard that it is painful and he says he does that for all his patients. Okay back to story - So they called me back at 3. I was in a room where they do CT scans. The doctor came and the explained procedure. He said that he would cut a small hole on the back of my hip bone then basically "drill" into bone a bit, take some marrow and a bone sample. (Ouch right?) So I asked if I was going to be put to sleep. He told me that they would put anti anxiety meds and pain meds through my IV and that I would be in my happy place and possibly fall asleep and also that he would be putting lidocaine on my hip to numb it. They had me lay on my stomach, prepped me for the procedure, ran me under the CT scan to get an image of where they would be doing their thing. The nurse injected me with the meds. I started to fall asleep.... then WOW I felt a huge sting (them entering my bone) I instantly grabbed the pillows and flinched with pain. The nurse then gave me some more meds. A few second later OUCH!!!! I felt him pulling out the marrow. I instantly teared up. That was super painful. The nurse asked if I was okay. I said that hurt!! She told me that the procedure was all over. Wooo thank goodness. They then wheeled me back the "patient holding" area and I downed some juice and Lorna Doone cookies. LOL
I was here for about 15 mins and was taken to a recovery room. I wasn't allowed to leave for 2 hrs! Not sure why because I was wide freakin awake!! And not happy. I was given a Turkey sandwich and some pop then discharged at 5:30ish. I didn't make it home until 6:30. I was in some good pain at this point. Hurt to sit or bend over.
Well needless to say I am feeling much better today. But I will be having some words with my
oncologist the next time I see him. LOL
Sorry so long........
First I went to have blood drawn.
After that we headed to have my MUGA scan done. (A MUGA scan is performed by attaching a radioactive substance, Technetium 99, to red blood cells, then injecting the red blood cells into the patient’s bloodstream. The patient is then placed under a special camera (a gamma camera), which is able to detect the low-level radiation being given off by the Technetium-labelled red cells. Since the red blood cells (including those that are radio-labelled) fill the cardiac chambers, the image produced by the gamma camera is essentially an outline of those chambers. With some fancy computer manipulation, the the final product is a movie of the heart beating.)
Then we headed to have my Pulmonary Function Test (Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are a series of different breathing tests led by a trained pulmonary function technologist, usually done at a hospital or clinic. Most of these breathing tests are done by blowing into a tube while sitting in a chair.) And let me tell you I did not like this test at all. It was hard to breath so many different ways so many times. I was in there for over an hour.
The reason for these two tests are because the Chemotherapy I am getting can affect both my lungs and my heart. So they need to make sure both are strong enough to handle the Chemo.
So now we are at 11 AM
We then went to get my bone marrow biopsy. I got called back for prep to a small hospital room at 11:45. They asked tons of medical history then put my IV in. My test wasn't scheduled until 2 PM so my mom and I just sat there and talked. (FYI - I was starving at this point. I had a Carnation Instant Breakfast before I left the house. Then no more food or drinks allowed) At about 2 ish they carted me off to a "patient holding" area. I then sat there until 3. The doctor doing the procedure was running behind.
Okay right here I am going to step back a minute - When I went to see my oncologist he assured me that I would be put to sleep for this procedure. Because I have heard that it is painful and he says he does that for all his patients. Okay back to story - So they called me back at 3. I was in a room where they do CT scans. The doctor came and the explained procedure. He said that he would cut a small hole on the back of my hip bone then basically "drill" into bone a bit, take some marrow and a bone sample. (Ouch right?) So I asked if I was going to be put to sleep. He told me that they would put anti anxiety meds and pain meds through my IV and that I would be in my happy place and possibly fall asleep and also that he would be putting lidocaine on my hip to numb it. They had me lay on my stomach, prepped me for the procedure, ran me under the CT scan to get an image of where they would be doing their thing. The nurse injected me with the meds. I started to fall asleep.... then WOW I felt a huge sting (them entering my bone) I instantly grabbed the pillows and flinched with pain. The nurse then gave me some more meds. A few second later OUCH!!!! I felt him pulling out the marrow. I instantly teared up. That was super painful. The nurse asked if I was okay. I said that hurt!! She told me that the procedure was all over. Wooo thank goodness. They then wheeled me back the "patient holding" area and I downed some juice and Lorna Doone cookies. LOL
I was here for about 15 mins and was taken to a recovery room. I wasn't allowed to leave for 2 hrs! Not sure why because I was wide freakin awake!! And not happy. I was given a Turkey sandwich and some pop then discharged at 5:30ish. I didn't make it home until 6:30. I was in some good pain at this point. Hurt to sit or bend over.
Well needless to say I am feeling much better today. But I will be having some words with my
oncologist the next time I see him. LOL
Sorry so long........
Monday, January 17, 2011
First visit with the Oncologist
My Oncologist's name is Dr. Draper. My first visit with him was on January 12, 2011. Basically he told me that my staging wouldn't be complete until I had a couple more tests ran. One being a bone marrow biopsy and the other being a PETscan. He also explained that the Chemotherapy that I would be receiving (ABVD) could have an effect on my heart and my lungs and I would have to get a MUGA scan (to test heart function) and a pulmonary function test (to test function of my lungs) before I could start treatment. He informed me that my first treatment would start on February 2, 2011. The staging of my cancer would then determine the amount of treatments I would need.
He explained that you receive treatment once every other week and that is one cycle. He said that I shouldn't get sick b/c he will give me an anti nausea medicine to help with that. Oh and that most important thing he told me was the cure rate for Hodgkin's Lymphoma is 95%!
He explained that you receive treatment once every other week and that is one cycle. He said that I shouldn't get sick b/c he will give me an anti nausea medicine to help with that. Oh and that most important thing he told me was the cure rate for Hodgkin's Lymphoma is 95%!
News travels fast!
As soon as my sister in laws (Anne and Angie) and one of my Aunts (Sheila) got the news of my diagnosis they started planning a fundraiser for me. They are planning to have a dinner/dance and have lots of prizes to raffle off. Let me tell you these ladies are wonderful. They are getting donations from so many different businesses and people. It is really quite breathtaking to see how many people are willing to volunteer and donate.
It still hasn't sunk in for me that I am that sick to need a fundraiser. But I do know that me and my husband Kurt will need all the help we can get with all the bills from my treatments and everything else rolling in.
It still hasn't sunk in for me that I am that sick to need a fundraiser. But I do know that me and my husband Kurt will need all the help we can get with all the bills from my treatments and everything else rolling in.
Chain of Events
So here is how I got to my diagnoses...
It was the first week of October 2010 and I am sitting at my desk at work. I happened to touch my neck just above the collarbone on my left side. There was a strange lump there. I kept touching and comparing to my other side. It didn't feel right. It was hard and painless. I went to see our building nurse (Mary) she told me that it may be a muscle spasm to just take some IBprofin and put ice on it. Well I didn't agree with her prognosis but did what she said anyways. A week or so went by and I woke up one night soaked I mean drenched in sweat. I had to change my entire outfit. My sheets and pillow were also soaked. It was strange because I felt just fine no fever or anything. But I just ignored that and went on with my day. Also with in all this time I was feeling tired and just not myself. Well a month or so went by and the night sweats and fatigue continued. I looked up my symptoms on the internet and most signs pointed to Lymphoma. I finally decided to go to my doctor in the end of November. I told him all my concerns and he felt my nodes and said that I also had some swollen nodes in my groin as well. He did a blood draw to test my complete blood count. He told me that he felt I had a bacterial infection. I was told that I would get results the next day. Well two days later the doctor's medical assistant called and told me that I did indeed have a bacterial infection. And that I needed to go get cultures ran to see if it was in my blood stream. I asked about getting antibiotics and the MA said that she would have to get back to me about that. So another day went by I got the meds and my cultures ran. Cultures came back negative for infection in my bloodstream. I ask MA what I should do if meds don't seem to help. She said well I guess come back. Let me just say this whole situation with that doctor was very unsettling to me. He just did seem to take me seriously. Okay we are almost done....
So during this time I had a close relationship with a different nurse in my building than who I mentioned before. Her name is Elaine. She agreed my doctor was a quack and even called and told him so LOL.
She refered me to a woman named Dr. McCoy. I went to see Dr. McCoy on Decemeber 30, 2010. At this point I had lost 4 lbs in a month and had a strange deep pain in my chest. I went on to tell Dr. McCoy about my new and old symptoms. She too felt my nodes and she told me flat out that she was concerned it was Lymphoma. She scheduled a CT scan for me that night. So that was a Thursday and on Monday I got the call from the doctor stating that the CT showed nodules on my lungs, spleen, abdomen and my neck. She got me in to see a surgeon that night to talk about a lymph node biopsy. The surgeon's name is Dr. Grannon and he also agreed that I most likely had Lymphoma. The biopsy was done that Friday (January 7) and the following Monday is when I got the news. Dr. Grannon called me at 8PM and told me that I had stage 3 or 4 Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkins Lymphoma. Honestly I was happy to finally have answers and I had a gut feeling for a while that I had had lymphoma. I did cry when I called and told my mom. I cried a lot. It just sucked hearing that I had cancer....
It was the first week of October 2010 and I am sitting at my desk at work. I happened to touch my neck just above the collarbone on my left side. There was a strange lump there. I kept touching and comparing to my other side. It didn't feel right. It was hard and painless. I went to see our building nurse (Mary) she told me that it may be a muscle spasm to just take some IBprofin and put ice on it. Well I didn't agree with her prognosis but did what she said anyways. A week or so went by and I woke up one night soaked I mean drenched in sweat. I had to change my entire outfit. My sheets and pillow were also soaked. It was strange because I felt just fine no fever or anything. But I just ignored that and went on with my day. Also with in all this time I was feeling tired and just not myself. Well a month or so went by and the night sweats and fatigue continued. I looked up my symptoms on the internet and most signs pointed to Lymphoma. I finally decided to go to my doctor in the end of November. I told him all my concerns and he felt my nodes and said that I also had some swollen nodes in my groin as well. He did a blood draw to test my complete blood count. He told me that he felt I had a bacterial infection. I was told that I would get results the next day. Well two days later the doctor's medical assistant called and told me that I did indeed have a bacterial infection. And that I needed to go get cultures ran to see if it was in my blood stream. I asked about getting antibiotics and the MA said that she would have to get back to me about that. So another day went by I got the meds and my cultures ran. Cultures came back negative for infection in my bloodstream. I ask MA what I should do if meds don't seem to help. She said well I guess come back. Let me just say this whole situation with that doctor was very unsettling to me. He just did seem to take me seriously. Okay we are almost done....
So during this time I had a close relationship with a different nurse in my building than who I mentioned before. Her name is Elaine. She agreed my doctor was a quack and even called and told him so LOL.
She refered me to a woman named Dr. McCoy. I went to see Dr. McCoy on Decemeber 30, 2010. At this point I had lost 4 lbs in a month and had a strange deep pain in my chest. I went on to tell Dr. McCoy about my new and old symptoms. She too felt my nodes and she told me flat out that she was concerned it was Lymphoma. She scheduled a CT scan for me that night. So that was a Thursday and on Monday I got the call from the doctor stating that the CT showed nodules on my lungs, spleen, abdomen and my neck. She got me in to see a surgeon that night to talk about a lymph node biopsy. The surgeon's name is Dr. Grannon and he also agreed that I most likely had Lymphoma. The biopsy was done that Friday (January 7) and the following Monday is when I got the news. Dr. Grannon called me at 8PM and told me that I had stage 3 or 4 Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkins Lymphoma. Honestly I was happy to finally have answers and I had a gut feeling for a while that I had had lymphoma. I did cry when I called and told my mom. I cried a lot. It just sucked hearing that I had cancer....
About Me
Hi, my name is Megan. I am 28 a wife to my wonderful husband Kurt and a mother of a 22 month old girl named Kalli. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma on January 10, 2011. I have decided to create this blog to document my thoughts and also the events that occur during my journey to getting healthy.
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